GitHub App Permissions

Published on January 30th, 2022


This page explains the permissions required by the various GitHub Apps we use at Roadie.

Roadie provides two GitHub apps. If you do not wish to use the scaffolder, you can choose the Lite GitHub app in order to reduce the permissions granted.

Roadie Backstage Lite

This app enables the core Backstage functionality of the service catalog and TechDocs.

These are the repository permissions required:

Name Access level Reason required
Contents Read Used by Backstage to read the catalog-info.yaml files it requires to function.
Commit statuses Read Allows Backstage to read GitHub urls pointing to reasources referenced by commit sha
Pull requests Read Required for the GitHub Pull Requests plugin
Actions Read Enables the Backstage plugin that renders Github workflow actions on the component page.
Metadata Read This gives Roadie read only access to various pieces of metadata about the GitHub organisation used only in order to enable functionality. This permission is mandatory for all GitHub apps.
Issues Read Allow Backstage to get stats on issues
Security events Read This allows Backstage to render a security insights plugin on the component page.
Dependabot alerts Read Required by the GitHub Dependabot plugin.
Workflows Read Enables the Backstage plugin that renders Github workflow actions on the component page.
Checks Read & Write Allows the Github app to run checks on your backstage repositories
Webhooks Read & Write Allows the github:webhook action to create webhooks in your repositories via the Scaffolder
Secrets Read & Write Allows the publish:github action to add secrets when creating a new repository via the Scaffolder. (NB: The read permission only theoretically allows fetching of encrypted secrets - see the API docs here)
Variables Read & Write Allows the publish:github action to add variables when creating a new repository via the Scaffolder

These are the organization permissions required:

Name Access level Reason required
Members Read This allows Backstage to authenticate users of your Github org and ensure only users of your organisation can access it. It also allows for ownership to be assigned and displayed for each service.
Administration Read Allows Roadie to read GitHub teams to understand how users are organized

Roadie Backstage

This app enables all Backstage features, including the scaffolder.

These are the repository permissions required:

Name Access level Reason required
Administrator Read & Write Allows the scaffolder feature to create new projects in GitHub
Contents Read & Write Used by Backstage to read the catalog-info.yaml files it requires to function, and to open pull requests to create catalog-info.yaml files.
Commit statuses Read Allows Backstage to read GitHub urls pointing to reasources referenced by commit sha
Pull requests Read & Write Required for the GitHub Pull Requests plugin and to open pull requests to create catalog-info.yaml files.
Actions Read Enables the Backstage plugin that renders Github workflow actions on the component page.
Metadata Read This gives Roadie read only access to various pieces of metadata about the GitHub organisation used only in order to enable functionality. This permission is mandatory for all GitHub apps.
Issues Read Allow Backstage to get stats on issues
Security events Read This allows Backstage to render a security insights plugin on the component page.
Dependabot alerts Read Required by the GitHub Dependabot plugin.
Workflows Read & Write Allows the scaffolder feature to create workflows for new projects it creates in GitHub
Checks Read & Write Allows the Github app to run checks on your backstage repositories
Projects Read Allows the Github app to run checks on your backstage repositories
Secrets Read & Write Allows the Github app to create Secrets into GitHub Actions Workflows. This functionality can be used by the Scaffolder.
Variables Read & Write Allows the Github app to create Variables into GitHub Actions Workflows. This functionality can be used by the Scaffolder.

These are the organization permissions required:

Name Access level Reason required
Members Read This allows Backstage to authenticate users of your Github org and ensure only users of your organisation can access it. It also allows for ownership to be assigned and displayed for each service.
Administration Read & Write Allows the scaffolder feature to create new projects in GitHub