
Published on April 4th, 2022

Install the GitHub App

Installing the GitHub App will allow Roadie to access the YAML metadata files that Backstage needs to operate. Learn more about the permissions required.

  1. Click the Administration link in the bottom left of the application.

A link that says "Administration"

  1. From Settings > Integrations > GitHub, press INSTALL THE APP.

A button that says "Add GitHub App"

  1. Choose your GitHub organization and follow the steps to install the app.

Upload a catalog item to a repository

In one of the GitHub repos in your project create a catalog-info.yaml with the contents shown in the panel on the right.

Import the catalog file

Copy the URL of the catalog file you created by visiting the file in your browser and copying the url from the location bar. The URL may look like this:<org-name>/<repo-name>/blob/<branch-name>/catalog-info.yaml.

Visit the import page in Roadie. https://<your tenant>, and paste the URL into the box. Click analyze and then import.


Now you can click on the entity link to visit the entity that you have just created.

Next Steps