Published on April 4th, 2022

Get the roadie IAM details

Navigate to Administration > Settings > AWS S3 and make a note of the Roadie backend role ARN and account ID. This is mentioned on the title text of the AWS S3 integration settings page.

Create a federated role in your account for Roadie

Follow the steps here to create the role.

The role needs to follow this naming convention arn:aws:iam::*:role/<your-tenant-name>-roadie-read-only-role where matches your organisation’s name used in the url of your Roadie instance.

You’ll need to attach a policy which allows access to the required S3 buckets such as AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess. This policy grants roadie read access to all buckets. If you do not want to grant this access you can create your own policy which restricts access to only certain buckets. An example minimal policy needed to retrieve files from S3 buckets is below

An example minimal S3 Read policy
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket"

Configure your Roadie instance to use the new role

On the AWS S3 settings page Administration > Settings > Aws S3 in Roadie click Add Item and enter the newly created role ARN and external ID. The S3 host is only required if you’re using different roles for different buckets.

After the role configuration is done, you can click the ‘Test Role’ button to check if integration configuration has succeeded.

Role Details

Create a catalog file in code repository

In the S3 bucket create a catalog-info.yaml file with the contents shown in the panel on the right.

Import the catalog file

Copy the Object URL of the catalog file you created by visiting the file in S3 in the properties tab. The URL looks like: https://<bucket name>.s3.<region><object file path>

Visit the import page in Roadie. https://<your tenant>, and paste the URL into the box. Click analyze and then import.


Now you can click on the entity link to visit the entity that you have just created.

Next Steps