Roadie’s Blog

Backstage Weekly 98 - Catalog Completeness, ASOS, the Community YouTube and v1.32-next

By Sam NixonOctober 2nd, 2024

👋 Backstage Weekly 98 is here!

This week:

  • New article: The Ultimate Guide to Catalog Completeness
  • New video alert: ASOS talk about their Backstage instance
  • Project updates: v1.32-next is up

The Ultimate Guide to Backstage Software Catalog Completeness

You know what they say: ‘Catalog completeness makes the world go round’. Or at least, it helps you get the most value from Backstage.

Roadie Founder, David Tuite, just wrote a 4,000-word (😱) article that takes a deep dive into strategies and tactics to help you get catalog completeness to 100%. It caters to self-hosted Backstage adopters and Roadie customers alike.

Check it out on the Roadie blog.

Want to start building on top of Backstage? Get a Roadie Backstage instance so you can start shipping features into your IDP without having to manage an instance. Get a demo now!

ASOS & the Backstage Community Session

E-commerce mega-company ASOS recently demoed their Backstage instance at the open source Backstage Community Session. The recording of the session is here and you can read more about ASOS and what they’ve done on their Medium blog.

In general, the Backstage Community Session YouTube is fantastic resource and we highly recommend checking it out for inspiration about your own Backstage instance. You can also join the fortnightly session itself - more info on the Communtiy GitHub repo.

ASOS Scott Frampton

Version 1.32-next is up

1.31 is out and the new Backend is officially at 1.0, so what do we have to expect for the next version? Well, 1.32-next is also out there so that’s a question we can answer. So far:

  • Some breaking changes for Jest configuration in the CLI
  • Repo tools now comes with a fun backstage-repo-tools peer-deps command for validating your peer dependencies

Read the 1.31 release notes and the upcoming changes in 1.32 changelog.

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