Scaffolder Fields Explorer, Backstage 1.9 upgrade, support for date-based checks in Tech Insights

Your instance has been upgraded to Backstage 1.9, the latest available release. You’ll be able to see and test the available Scaffolder Fields so it’s easier to construct form templates. We’ve also added support for dates in Checks and improved how we refresh their calculation.

You’re running on Backstage 1.9

The new release includes significant progress in internal APIs, such as the new backend system, new Catalog endpoints, and a new events API. As a Roadie customer you don’t have to worry about learning them; our team will leverage everything for you.

Scaffolder Fields Explorer

With the new upgrade in the Scaffolder, you’ll be able to see a list of the fields available for composing templates. In the Fields Explorer, you can also play around with the available options.

Screenshot Template Editor

To find it, go to Create > Template Editor > Custom Field Explorer. The Template Editor can be found in the top-right corner context menu of the Create page.

Tech Insights: Check if dates are older or younger than expected

You can create Checks based on dates using date-specific operators. You’ll also notice an improved performance of the whole plugin, featuring faster page loads and synced checks recalculations.

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