Roadie’s Blog

Backstage Weekly 49 - new version, Search v1, new Apollo plugin, CFP deadline

By Jorge LainfiestaJuly 25th, 2022

This week’s newsletter goes through the highlights that come with the new Backstage release, including Search V1 and the new Apollo Explorer plugin.

Backstage 1.4.0 is out!

The new release highlights Search V1 (we’ll talk about that in a minute), the experimental Backend System Evolution that we mentioned in last week’s newsletter, and security fixes in the Scaffolder.

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Search V1

Search capabilities in Backstage have been maturing and growing over time with contributions from the community, including Roadie’s Elasticsearch module and TechDocs search. This release marks the APIs as stable after they’ve been tested across a multitude of adopters.

Backstage recommends using Elasticsearch as engine for production, given the scale limitations of the in-memory engine used originally. Going forward, the team will prioritize the Elasticsearch module and rely on the community to maintain the Postgres engine.

Read the full Search V1 announcement for more details!

New plugin: Apollo explorer

Thanks to unredundant, you can now directly embed Apollo graph explorer within your Backstage instance. Check out the installation instructions in the plugin’s README. Screenshot: Apollo Explorer screenshot

Today is BackstgeCon CFP Deadline

Don’t forget to submit your talk proposal for BackstageCon NA! CFP will close today at 1:59 PM PDT, so make sure you marked your submission as completed.

That’s all for this week, see you around!

Jorge L

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