Roadie’s Blog

Backstage Weekly 83 - MaterialUI v5, find unprocessed entities

By Jorge LainfiestaJune 12th, 2023

Hi y’all! I’m excited to be sharing some news after a little hiatus

  • Support for MaterialUI v5
  • Find Unprocessed entities
  • Backstage Users Unconference - RSVP now!
  • BackstageCon - save the date!

Support for Material UI v5 is in

We’re one step closer to Material UI v5, and the Backstage team is making sure the transition will be smooth. Rugvip championed a practically new @backstage/theme API that introduces the concept of a universal theme, which can be used for both MUI v4 and v5.

The universal theme will let you have a phased migration and saves you from migrating all the makeStyles over to emotion, at least for a bit longer. Using MUI v5 does provide a better DX as you can leverage components for overrides and access the theme async.

Read more details about Backstage and MUI v5 in Patrick’s PR, the supporting docs for the changes will land soon. This feature will be released as part of Backstage 1.15, expected for next week.

Unpacked - the ultimate DevOps virtual conference Tune in for a great line-up of speakers covering topics from software supply chain and delivery to security and costs. RSVP here!

Backstage Users Unconference

We’re back by popular request! Backstage has grown so much since the last time we met in an Unconference, I’m excited to see the kind of discussions that will emerge.


Make sure to RSVP! See you there!

Unprocessed entities now have a home

Previously, you’d only find out which entities failed or were being processed if you went through the logs. Thanks to alde, you can now view them on a dedicated “Unprocessed entities” page via a plugin, or fetch them from the Catalog from a new endpoint.


This new feature will be released as part of Backstage 1.15, expected for next week. If you want to know more, head over to the plugin’s README.

BackstageCon is coming!

As you know, the CNCF has confirmed that BackstageCon is happening in Chicago on November for November 6th. A little bird told me that the CFP is to open very soon, so get those proposals ready for submission! Screenshot 2023-06-12 at 15.45.56

Stay tuned to this page to submit your proposal.

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