Set up Backstage in minutes with Roadie
Focus on using Backstage, rather than building and maintaining it.

Installation steps
If you are using Roadie, or you are using a GitHub app with self-hosted Backstage, OAuth
is already configured for use with the GitHub APIs. You can simply install the plugin and it
should work automatically. Your GitHub App requires action:read
If your Backstage instance is using a Personal Access Token to authenticate against GitHub, you will need to follow our instructions to create a GitHub OAuth app for Backstage.
Install the plugin into your Backstage instance.
yarn add @backstage/plugin-github-actions
Add the tab to your entity pages.
// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import { EntityGithubActionsContent } from '@backstage/plugin-github-actions';
const serviceEntityPage = (
<EntityLayout.Route path="/ci-cd" title="CI/CD">
<EntityGithubActionsContent />
Optionally add the recent runs card to the overview page
// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import { EntityRecentGithubActionsRunsCard } from '@backstage/plugin-github-actions';
const overviewContent = (
<Grid container spacing={3} alignItems="stretch">
<Grid item sm={6}>
<EntityRecentGithubActionsRunsCard limit={4} variant="gridItem" />
Annotate a component with the
key and value so that Backstage
knows which builds correspond to your component.
kind: Component
name: sample-service
description: Component with GitHub actions enabled.
annotations: 'RoadieHQ/sample-service'
type: service
lifecycle: production
owner: engineering-team
Found a mistake? Update these instructions.
Things to know
The GitHub actions plugin makes requests to the GitHub API directly from your browser. It will authenticate as your GitHub user via OAuth. You may see this pop-up periodically as you browse around Backstage. You must log in via OAuth before GitHub actions can work.
Multiple CI systems setup
Use the switch pattern to work with multiple CI systems simultaneously in Backstage.
// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-github-actions';
const cicdCard = (
<EntitySwitch.Case if={isGithubActionsAvailable}>
<Grid item sm={6}>
<EntityRecentGithubActionsRunsCard limit={4} variant="gridItem" />
const overviewContent = (
<Grid container spacing={3} alignItems="stretch">
Set up Backstage in minutes with Roadie
Focus on using Backstage, rather than building and maintaining it.