Backstage Scaffolder Actions Directory

Published on August 8th, 2024

This page is a comprehensive directory of all open source Scaffolder actions available for Backstage with instructions and examples for each action.

Roadie comes bundled with a select set of actions to use out of the box. If you would like to use one that is not included, please contact Roadie support.

If you want to add an action to this list, please raise an issue on our repo or contribute a PR with the addition.


  • A subset of available actions in Roadie can also be found at the following page inside your Roadie app: https://<tenant-name>
  • We do not list actions created for hackathons and talks that are not maintained or intended for widespread use.

Actions Summary Table

Generic Tools:

Category Name Description Ready to use in Roadie
Downloading Content fetch:plain Downloads directory content and places it in the workspace. ✅️
Downloading Content fetch:plain:plus Downloads directory content and places it in the workspace for multiple urls.
Downloading Content fetch:template Downloads a directory containing templated files using nunjucks,merges variables in, and writes result to the workspace. ✅️
Downloading Content fetch:template:plus Downloads multiple directories containing templated files using nunjucks,merges variables in, and writes results to the workspace.
Downloading Content fetch:plain:file Downloads single file and places it in the workspace. ✅️
Downloading Content fetch:plain:file:plus Downloads files and places them in the workspace for multiple urls.
HTTP Requests http:backstage:request Runs an HTTP request against the Backstage Backend API and handles the response. ✅️
Debugging debug:log Log a message to the UI output. ✅️
Debugging debug:wait Waits for a certain period of time.
File Operations fs:delete Deletes files and directories in the workspace ✅️
File Operations fs:rename Renames files and directories in the workspace, essentially moving them. ✅️
File Operations roadiehq:utils:fs:replace Replaces found string in files with content defined in input. ✅️
File Operations roadiehq:utils:fs:parse Reads a file from the workspace and outputs content to be used in next steps. ✅️
File Operations roadiehq:utils:fs:write Creates a file with the content on the given path. ✅️
File Operations roadiehq:utils:fs:append Creates a file with the content on the given path. ✅️
File Operations roadiehq:utils:merge Merge data into an existing JSON or YAML file. ✅️
File Operations roadiehq:utils:zip Compresses content to a zip file in the workspace. ✅️
Parsing and Serialization roadiehq:utils:serialize:yaml Converts YAML to a string. ✅️
Parsing and Serialization roadiehq:utils:serialize:json Converts JSON to a formated string. ✅️
Parsing and Serialization json Parse JSON data from various encoded content sources such as Base64, files, raw data, or URLs.
Parsing and Serialization yaml Parse YAML data from various encoded content sources such as Base64, files, raw data, or URLs.
Parsing and Serialization xml Parse XML into JSON using various options and processing pipes, utilizing the xml-js library for conversion.
Content Manipulation roadiehq:utils:jsonata Performs JSONata operations and transformations on input objects. ✅️
Content Manipulation roadiehq:utils:jsonata:yaml:transform Performs JSONata operations and transformations on a YAML file in the workspace. ✅️
Content Manipulation roadiehq:utils:jsonata:json:transform Performs JSONata operations and transformations on a JSON file in the workspace. ✅️
Content Manipulation json:merge-files Merges multiple JSON files into a single JSON object stored in a new file in the workspace.
Content Manipulation json:merge-file Uses JSON-merger syntax to manipulate a single JSON file and store the result in a new file in the workspace.
Content Manipulation roadiehq:utils:json:merge Merge new data into an existing JSON file. ✅️
Content Manipulation regex:replace Validate an input structure using the zod library to perform regex replacements on input values.
Content Manipulation regex:fs:replace:plus Enable regex-based search and replacement across files using glob patterns.
Other Utils uuid:v4:gen:plus Generates a list of UUIDv4 values, allowing users to specify the number of UUIDs to generate.
Other Utils roadiehq:utils:sleep Halts the scaffolding process for the given amount of seconds. ✅️
Other Utils vars:plus Handles and logs input variables, returning the same input as the output in a formatted structure.

Backstage Specific:

Category Name Description Ready to use in Roadie
Catalog catalog:register Registers an entity in the catalog. ✅️
Catalog catalog:register:plus Registers multiple entities in the catalog.
Catalog catalog:write Writes the catalog-info.yaml for your template ✅️
Catalog catalog:fetch Fetches an entity or entities from the catalog by entity reference(s).
Catalog catalog:query:plus Queries the catalog using provided filters, fields, and ordering parameters.
Catalog catalog:relation:plus Query entities based on relations.
Catalog catalog:timestamping Adds the annotation containing the current timestamp to your entity object.
Catalog catalog:scaffolded-from Adds scaffoldedFrom spec containing the template entityRef to your entity object.
Catalog catalog:annotate Allows you to annotate your entity object with specified label(s), annotation(s) and spec property(ies).
Notifications notification:send Sends notifications via the Backstage Notification Service.

Language / protocol / infrastructure:

Category Name Description Ready to use in Roadie
Git git Allows execution of Git commands within a specified working directory.
HCL hcl:merge Create an action for merging two HCL contents.
HCL hcl:merge:write Merge two HCL content strings and write the merged result to a specified output path.
HCL hcl:merge:files Merge two HCL files specified by their paths.
HCL hcl:merge:files:write Merge two HCL files and write the merged content to a specified output path, with input validation.
Kubernetes kubernetes:create-namespace Creates a Kubernetes namespace, leveraging the Kubernetes API and Backstage’s catalog client to fetch cluster information.
Kubernetes deploy:kubernetes Action for deploying Kubernetes manifests within a Backstage application, using the Kubernetes API to apply the provided YAML or JSON resources.
Kubernetes kube:apply Action for applying Kubernetes manifests in a Backstage application.
Kubernetes kube:delete Action for deleting Kubernetes resources.
Kubernetes kube:job:wait Action that waits for a Kubernetes job to complete based on specified labels and a namespace.
Maven maven Runs Maven commands in a specified working directory with optional arguments.
NPM npm:init Action that automates running the npm init -y command in a specified workspace directory.
NPM npm:install Action that installs an npm package quietly based on the provided package name.
NPM npm:exec Action for executing npm exec commands in a task workspace directory, using specific arguments provided in the input.
NPM npm:config Action that runs an npm config command with specified arguments in a task’s workspace directory.
Odo devfile:odo:command Action for executing OpenShift Do (odo) commands in a workspace.
Odo devfile:odo:component:init Action to initialize an ODO (OpenShift Do) component using a Devfile within Backstage.
Pulumi pulumi:new Action for creating a new Pulumi project, including input validation and execution of necessary commands to set up the project.
Pulumi pulumi:up Runs Pulumi to manage cloud resources, either in a local or remote workspace based on the provided configuration.

3rd Party Tools:

Category Name Description Ready to use in Roadie
Ansible ansible:jobTemplate:launch Action for launching an Ansible job template and waiting for it to complete.
Ansible ansible-controller:jobTemplate:launch Triggers the launch of an Ansible job template via the Ansible controller API.
Ansible argocd:create-resources Action for creating Argo CD resources using Backstage’s scaffolding plugin.
AWS roadiehq:aws:s3:cp Action that uploads files from a local directory to an AWS S3 bucket using specified parameters.
AWS roadiehq:aws:ecr:create Creates an AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository.
AWS roadiehq:aws:secrets-manager:create Creates a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager using the Backstage scaffolder plugin.
AWS opa:get-env-providers Retrieves AWS environment provider data based on a reference to an AWS environment entity.
AWS opa:create-secret Creates secrets in AWS Secrets Manager.
AWS opa:createRepoAccessToken:gitlab Creates a GitLab repository access token and stores it in AWS Secrets Manager.
AWS opa:get-platform-metadata Retrieves metadata about the OPA (Open Policy Agent) on AWS platform.
AWS opa:get-ssm-parameters Retrieves AWS SSM parameter values for specified environment providers.
AWS aws:cloudcontrol:create Action for creating resources using AWS Cloud Control API.
Azure publish:azure Action to initialize a Git repository and publish it to Azure DevOps.
Azure git:clone:azure Clones repositories from Azure DevOps Git, allowing for multiple repositories to be cloned with the same Git reference.
Azure git:commit:azure Commits and pushes changes to an Azure DevOps Git repository, processing parameters and handling Git operations.
Azure pipeline:create:azure Automates the creation of Azure DevOps pipelines from Git repositories.
Azure azure:pipeline:create Creates an Azure Pipeline through the Azure DevOps REST API using Backstage’s scaffolding plugin.
Azure azure:pipeline:run Defines an Azure DevOps pipeline runner action using Backstage’s scaffolder plugin.
Azure azure:pipeline:permit Defines an Azure DevOps pipeline permission management action for Backstage scaffolding.
Azure azure:repo:clone Action for cloning an Azure repository into a specified workspace directory using Backstage’s scaffolding plugin. ✅️
Azure azure:repo:push Action that pushes content from a local workspace to a remote Azure repository. ✅️
Azure azure:repo:pr Action for creating a pull request in Azure DevOps. ✅️
Bitbucket publish:bitbucket (Deprected for publish:bitbucketCloud and publish:bitbucketServer) Creates a new Bitbucket repository and publishes the files in the workspace directory to the repository. ✅️
Bitbucket publish:bitbucketCloud Creates and initializes a Bitbucket Cloud repository and publishes content to it from a workspace. ✅️
Bitbucket bitbucket:pipelines:run Triggers a run of a Bitbucket Cloud pipeline using the Backstage framework.
Bitbucket publish:bitbucketCloud:pull-request Action for publishing a pull request to a Bitbucket Cloud repository using Backstage’s scaffolding system.
Bitbucket publish:bitbucketServer Creates a new repository in Bitbucket Server. ✅️
Bitbucket publish:bitbucketServer:pull-request Opens a pull request on a Bitbucket Server repository to merge two existing branches.
CNEO cnoe:kubernetes:apply Action for applying Kubernetes manifests using kubectl, either from a string, an object, or a file path, with support for namespaced configurations.
CNEO cnoe:verify:dependency Verify resource dependencies for CNOE.
CNEO cnoe:utils:sanitize Action for sanitizing resources defined in a YAML document by removing empty fields, before further processing.
Codacy codacy:add-repo Action for adding a repository to Codacy using its API.
Confluence confluence:transform:markdown Action that transforms Confluence content into Markdown format and updates a GitHub repository with the new Markdown files and modified mkdocs.yml configuration.
Cue cue:cueflow This action fetches some template content, runs a Cue command on it, and copies output files to a specified directory.
Gerrit publish:gerrit:review Action for creating a new Gerrit review by committing and pushing changes to a Git repository.
Gerrit publish:gerrit Action that initializes a Git repository with content from the workspace and publishes it to a Gerrit repository.
Gerrit publish:gitea This action initializes a git repository from workspace content and publishes it to a Gitea repository.
GitHub publish:github Creates a new GitHub repository and publishes files from the workspace to the repository. ✅️
GitHub publish:github:pull-request Creates a pull request in a pre-existing repository using files from the workspace. ✅️
GitHub github:actions:dispatch Allows you to trigger the execution of a GitHub action on a repository. ✅️
GitHub github:webhook Configures a webhook on an existing GitHub repository, requiring repoUrl and webhookUrl. ✅️
GitHub github:autolinks:create Create autolink references for GitHub repositories, linking keywords to specific URLs in issues, pull requests, or commits.
GitHub github:deployKey:create Creates and stores GitHub Deploy Keys, with the option to encrypt and store the private key as a GitHub secret.
GitHub github:environment:create Creates deployment environments on GitHub with branch or tag policies and environment variables.
GitHub github:issues:label Adds labels to pull requests or issues on GitHub. ✅️
GitHub github:pages:enable Enables GitHub Pages for a repository with options for build type, source branch, and source path.
GitHub github:repo:create Creates GitHub repositories programmatically with various settings and collaborators.
GitHub github:repo:push Initializes a git repository in a workspace and pushes it to GitHub with options to configure branch protection and repository settings.
GitHub parse:repo-url:plus Parses GitHub repository URLs and extracts relevant metadata based on a specified schema.
GitLab publish:gitlab Initializes a Git repository of the content in the workspace and publishes it to GitLab. ✅️
GitLab publish:gitlab:merge-request Creates a merge request in a GitLab repository. ✅️
GitLab gitlab:repo:push Automates the process of pushing commits to a GitLab repository.
GitLab gitlab:group:ensureExists Ensures that a GitLab group or sub-groups exist, creating them if they do not.
GitLab gitlab:issues:create Action to create GitLab issues, including input validation using Zod, GitLab API calls, and error handling.
GitLab gitlab:issue:edit Validates input and output data using zod and interacts with GitLab’s API to edit issue properties such as labels and assignees.
GitLab gitlab:pipeline:trigger Automates the creation and triggering of a GitLab pipeline using specific input parameters.
GitLab gitlab:projectAccessToken:create Action that creates a project access token in GitLab.
GitLab gitlab:projectVariable:create Action for creating project variables in GitLab.
GitLab gitlab:projectDeployToken:create Action that creates a GitLab project deploy token.
Humanitec humanitec:create-app Action for creating applications in Humanitec, using a YAML setup file to define application properties.
Microsoft Teams ms-teams:sendMessage Action that sends messages to a Microsoft Teams channel using a specified webhook URL.
PagerDuty pagerduty:service:create Action for the Backstage scaffolder plugin that allows users to create a PagerDuty service.
Quay quay:create-repository Action for creating a repository in
Sonarqube sonarqube:create-project Action for creating a project in SonarQube via the Backstage Scaffolder plugin.
ServiceNow servicenow:now:table:createRecord Action for Backstage’s Scaffolder, allowing users to insert a record into a specified ServiceNow.
ServiceNow servicenow:now:table:deleteRecord Action for deleting a record from a ServiceNow table.
ServiceNow servicenow:now:table:modifyRecord Action handler that modifies a record in a ServiceNow table.
ServiceNow servicenow:now:table:retrieveRecord Action handler that retrieves a record in a ServiceNow table.
ServiceNow servicenow:now:table:retrieveRecords Action handler that retrieves records in a ServiceNow table.
ServiceNow servicenow:now:table:updateRecord Action handler that updates a record in a ServiceNow table.
Slack slack:sendMessage:conversation Sends a Slack message to a specific conversation using the Slack API.
Slack slack:sendMessage:webhook Sends a message to Slack via a webhook URL.
Sentry sentry:create-project Action to create a new project in Sentry.
Torque torque:create-app Action for managing applications in Torque.
Webex webex:webhooks:sendMessage Action that sends messages to Webex Incoming Webhooks.
Yeoman run:yeoman Action for running a Yeoman generator in Backstage scaffolder.

Generic Tools

Download content


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Downloads directory content and places it in the workspace.

Key Description Type Example
url Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the directory tree to fetch string ’../assets’
targetPath Target path within the working directory to download the contents to string ‘assets-copy’
token An optional token to use for authentication when reading the resources string ‘sku1263kjh280’
  - action: fetch:plain
    id: fetch-plain
    name: Fetch plain
      url: ./plain

Optionally, if you would prefer the data to be downloaded to a subdirectory in the workspace you may specify the ‘targetPath’ input option.

  - action: fetch:plain
    id: fetch-plain
    name: Fetch plain
      url: ./plain
      targetPath: fetched-data



Downloads directory content and places it in the workspace for multiple urls.

Key Description Type Example
commonParams object { ‘targetPath’: ’./’ }
commonParams.url Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the directory tree to fetch. If only a single directory needs to be fetched this can be used instead of sources. string
commonParams.targetPath Target path within the working directory to download the contents to. Used as the default path for downloads from urls in sources. string downloads
sources An array of objects containing URL and optionally a target path. If no TargetPath is specified the parameter from commonParams is used. array [ { ‘url’: ‘./assets’ } ]
sources[0].url* Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the directory tree to fetch string ’../assets’
sources[0].targetPath Target path within the working directory to download the contents to. string ‘downloads’

Downloads content and places it in the workspace.

  - action: fetch:plain:plus
    id: fetch-plain
    name: Fetch plain
        targetPath: ./
        - url:

Optionally, if you would prefer the data to be downloaded to a diferent subdirectory in the workspace for each url you may specify the ‘targetPath’ input option.

  - action: fetch:plain:plus
    id: fetch-plain
    name: Fetch plain
        - url:
          targetPath: fetched-data
Key Description Type
results An array of paths that have been written to in the working directory array


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Downloads single file and places it in the workspace, or optionally in a subdirectory specified by the ‘targetPath’ input option.

Key Description Type Example
url Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the file to fetch string ’../assets/test.json’
targetPath Target directory within the working directory to download the file to string ‘assets-copy’
token An optional token to use for authentication when reading the resources string ‘sku1263kjh280’
  - action: fetch:plain:file
    id: fetch-plain-file
    name: Fetch plain file
      url: ./plain.json



Key Description Type Example
commonParams object { ‘targetPath’: ‘./test.json’ }
commonParams.url Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the file to fetch. If only a single file needs to be fetched this can be used instead of files. string
commonParams.targetPath Target path within the working directory to download the contents to. Used as the default path for downloads from urls in sources. string downloads
files An array of objects containing URL and optionally a target path. If no TargetPath is specified the parameter from commonParams is used. array [ { ‘url’: ‘./assets/test.json’ } ]
files[0].url* Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the file to fetch string ’../assets/test.json’
files[0].targetPath Target path within the working directory to download the file to. string ‘downloads’

Downloads multiple files from different urls and places them in a directory in the workspace.

  - action: fetch:plain:file:plus
    id: fetch-files
    name: Fetch files
        targetPath: ./downloads
        - url:

Optionally, if you would prefer the files to be downloaded to a different subdirectory in the workspace for each url you may specify the ‘targetPath’ input option.

  - action: fetch:plain:file:plus
    id: fetch-files
    name: Fetch files
        - url:
          targetPath: fetched-data
Key Description Type
results An array of paths that have been written to in the working directory array


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Downloads a directory containing templated files, then renders all the template variables into the files, directory names and content using Nunjucks, and places the result in the workspace.

Key Description Type Example
url Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the directory tree to fetch string
targetPath Target path within the working directory to download the contents to. Defaults to the working directory root. string
values Values to pass on to the templating engine object
copyWithoutRender [Deprecated] An array of glob patterns. Files or directories matching these are copied without template processing array of strings
copyWithoutTemplating An array of glob patterns. Contents of matched files are copied without being processed but paths are rendered array of strings
cookiecutterCompat Enable compatibility features for templates built for fetch:cookiecutter boolean
templateFileExtension If set, only files with the given extension will be templated. If set to true, the default extension .njk is used string/boolean
replace If set, replace files in targetPath instead of skipping existing ones boolean
token Optional token for authentication when reading resources string
trimBlocks If set, template rendering will trim blocks boolean
lstripBlocks If set, template rendering will strip leading whitespace in blocks boolean
  - action: fetch:template
    id: fetch-template
    name: Fetch template
      url: ./template
        name: ${{ }}

The templated files themselves can contain references to the values in the following way ${{ }}. It uses the nunjucks templating language. More details can be found here.

i.e. ./template/

## ${{ }} service

This is a service Readme example. Please update me.

Optionally, if you would prefer the data to be downloaded to a subdirectory in the workspace you may specify the ‘targetPath’ input option.

  - action: fetch:template
    id: fetch-template
    name: Fetch template
      url: ./template
      targetPath: fetched-data
        name: ${{ }}

You can also choose to not template specific files downloaded by the task by using the copyWithoutRender option. It may use file paths or globs.

  - action: fetch:template
    id: fetch-template
    name: Fetch template
      url: ./template
        - src/**.ts
        name: ${{ }}

If you would like to limit the templating to very specific files, you can optionally add the .njk extension to the files and use the templateFileExtension option.

  - action: fetch:template
    id: fetch-template
    name: Fetch template
      url: ./template
      templateFileExtension: true
        name: ${{ }}

The fetch:template action does not output any data.


Downloads multiple directories containing templated files, then renders all the template variables into the files, directory names and content using Nunjucks, and places the results in the workspace.

Key Description Type Example
commonParams Common parameters including URL, targetPath, and other template fields object { ‘copyWithoutRender’: true }
templates Array of template fields including URL and targetPath array of objects
templates[0].url Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the directory tree to fetch string
templates[0].targetPath Target path within the working directory to download the contents to. Defaults to root string
templates[0].values Values to pass on to the templating engine object
templates[0].copyWithoutRender [Deprecated] An array of glob patterns. Any files/directories copied without processing array of strings
templates[0].copyWithoutTemplating An array of glob patterns. Contents copied without processing, but paths are rendered array of strings
templates[0].cookiecutterCompat Enable features to maximize compatibility with templates built for fetch:cookiecutter boolean
templates[0].templateFileExtension File extension for templating. If true, .njk is used string or boolean
templates[0].replace Replace files in targetPath instead of skipping existing ones boolean
  - action: fetch:template:plus
    id: fetch-multiple-templates
    name: Fetch templates
        cookiecutterCompat: true
        - url: ./template
            name: ${{ }}
Key Description Type
results Array of results data array


Deprecated for fetch:template used with cookiecutterCompat: true input parameter.


Downloads a single file and templates variables into file. Then places the result in the workspace, or optionally in a subdirectory specified by the ‘targetPath’ input option.

Key Description Type Example
url Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the single file to fetch. string
targetPath Target path within the working directory to download the file as. string
values Values to pass on to the templating engine. object
cookiecutterCompat Enable features to maximize compatibility with templates built for fetch:cookiecutter. boolean
replace If set, replaces the file in targetPath instead of overwriting the existing one. boolean
trimBlocks Controls trimming of block white spaces in templates, if applicable. boolean
lstripBlocks Controls stripping of left-hand whitespace before block-level structures. boolean
token An optional token to use for authentication when reading the resources. string
  - action: fetch:template:file
    id: fetch-template-file
    name: Fetch template file
      url: './skeleton.txt'
      targetPath: './target/skeleton.txt'
        name: 'test-project'
        count: 1234
        itemList: ['first', 'second', 'third']

This example fetches a single template from a relative path and substitutes the values name, count, and itemList into the file during the templating process. This allows for dynamic content creation based on the input values.




Downloads a Rails template from a given URL, applies templating using Rails, and optionally runs it inside a Docker container.

Key Description Type Example
url Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the directory tree to fetch string
targetPath Target path within the working directory to download the contents to string
values Values to pass on to Rails for templating object
values.railsArguments Arguments to pass to the rails new command object
values.railsArguments.minimal Preconfigure a minimal Rails app boolean
values.railsArguments.skipBundle Don’t run bundle install boolean
values.railsArguments.skipWebpackInstall Don’t run Webpack install boolean
values.railsArguments.skipTest Skip test files boolean
values.railsArguments.skipActionCable Skip Action Cable files boolean
values.railsArguments.skipActionMailer Skip Action Mailer files boolean
values.railsArguments.skipActionMailbox Skip Action Mailbox gem boolean
values.railsArguments.skipActiveStorage Skip Active Storage files boolean
values.railsArguments.skipActionText Skip Action Text gem boolean
values.railsArguments.skipActiveRecord Skip Active Record files boolean
values.railsArguments.force Overwrite files that already exist boolean
values.railsArguments.api Preconfigure smaller stack for API-only apps boolean
values.railsArguments.template Path to an application template (filesystem path or URL) string
values.railsArguments.webpacker Preconfigure Webpack with a specific framework (e.g. react, vue, etc.) string (enum)
values.railsArguments.database Preconfigure for selected database (e.g. mysql, postgresql, etc.) string (enum)
values.railsArguments.railsVersion Set up the app with a Gemfile pointing to a specific Rails version string (enum)
imageName Specify a Docker image to run rails new. Used when a local Rails is not found string
  - id: fetch-base
    name: Fetch Base
    action: fetch:rails
      url: ./template
        name: ${{ }}
        owner: ${{ parameters.owner }}
        system: ${{ parameters.system }}
        railsArguments: ${{ parameters.railsArguments }}

This step fetches the specified Rails template and configures it with the provided values and Rails arguments, enabling customization based on user input during scaffolding.

Key Description Type
targetPath Path where the template will be downloaded and processed string
outputPath The result directory where the generated files are copied string

HTTP Request Scaffolder Actions


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

This action allows the Scaffolder task to run an HTTP request against the Backstage Backend API and handle the response. It can be useful for extending the scaffolder to call out to third party APIs. You can do this by configuring a proxy and then calling the proxy with this action.

key description value example
method The method type of the request ‘GET’,‘HEAD’,‘OPTIONS’,‘POST’,‘UPDATE’,‘DELETE’,‘PUT’,‘PATCH’ GET
path The url path you want to query string ‘/proxy/snyk/org/${{ parameters.orgName }}/projects/${{ parameters.projectId }}’
headers The headers you would like to pass to your request object Accept: application/json
params The query parameters you would like to pass to your request object kind: Component
body The body you would like to pass to your request ‘object’,‘string’,‘array’ type: TEST
logRequestPath Option to turn request path logging off. Defaults to true boolean false
continueOnBadResponse Return response code and body and continue to next scaffolder step if the response status is 4xx or 5xx. Defaults to false boolean true

The path should always point to a proxy entry with the following format: /proxy/<proxy-path>/<external-api-path> - i.e.: /proxy/snyk/org/<some-org>/projects or /proxy/circleci/api/projects (NB: the CircleCI proxy path is circleci/api/ but Snyk is just snyk/)

  - action: http:backstage:request
    id: http-request
    name: Create a thing on the acme service
      method: GET
      path: '/proxy/snyk/org/<some-org>/project/<some-project-id>'

You can optionally add request params.

  - action: http:backstage:request
    id: http-request
    name: Create a thing on the acme service
      method: POST
      path: '/proxy/acme/thing'
        state: 'bar'

The headers parameter allows setting headers on the request:

  - action: http:backstage:request
    id: http-request
    name: Create a thing on the acme service
      method: GET
      path: '/proxy/circleci/api/projects'
      Accept: 'application/json'

The body param allows you to set a request body. This is most likely going to be useful for POST requests.

  - action: http:backstage:request
    id: http-request
    name: Create a thing on the acme service
      method: POST
      path: '/api/proxy/acme/thing'
      body: 'thingname=abc1'

You can also have the action generate a json formatted body by setting a custom “Content-Type” header to “application/json” and then providing an object to the body param.

  - action: http:backstage:request
    id: http-request
    name: Create a thing on the acme service
      method: POST
      path: '/api/proxy/acme/thing'
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        thingname: 'foo'
Name Description Type
code Status code of the http response string
headers Object containing all of the response headers and their values object
body Body of the response. If content-type header is application/json this will be a parsed object. Otherwise, it will contain an object with a single param message containing a string representing the body of the response. object

Debugging Scaffolder Actions


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Use the debug:log action to print some information to the task console.

  • message: Text to log in the Backstage UI. You can log variables like so: ‘Hello, ${{ }}’
  • listWorkspace: List all files in the workspace. If used with “with-contents”, also the file contents are listed.
    • values: with-filenames,with-contents
  - action: debug:log
    id: debug-log
    name: Log Hello World
      message: 'Hello, World!'

The debug:log action does not have any outputs.


Waits for a certain period of time.

key description value example
minutes Minutes to wait number 2
seconds Seconds to wait number 30
miliseconds Miliseconds to wait number 3000



Logs file content.

key description type example
files A list of files and directories that will be deleted. array - somefile.js
  - action: debug:fs:read:plus
    id: debug-fs-read
    name: Read files
        - ./catalog-info.yaml
        - some-file.txt
Key Description Type
results Array of files and their contents. array<{file: string, content: string}>

File Operation Scaffolder Actions


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

This action deletes the given files or directories in the workspace. It has one input parameter files that can be provided an array of file paths or directory paths to delete.

key description type example
files A list of files and directories that will be deleted. array - somefile.js
  - action: fs:delete
    id: delete-filds
    name: Delete files
        - files/deleteme
        - otherfiletodelete

The fs:delete action does not have any outputs.


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This action allows you to move files within the workspace. The files option takes an array of objects containing from and to options.

key description type example
files A list of objects with a from and to field representing file paths. object {‘from’: ‘a/file.yaml’, ‘to’: ‘b/file.yaml’ }
  - action: fs:rename
    id: rename-files
    name: Rename files
        - from: copyfrom
          to: copyto
        - from: copyfrom1
          to: copyto1



Defines a file renaming action for Backstage, allowing users to rename files and directories within a workspace.

Key Description Type Example
from The source location of the file to be renamed string
to The destination of the new file string
overwrite Overwrite existing file or directory, default is false boolean?
files Array of files to rename, each using commonParams Array<object>
commonParams Optional shared parameters for all files object?
  - action: fs:rename:plus
    id: renameFiles
    name: Rename files
        overwrite: true
        - from: file1.txt
          to: file1Renamed.txt
          overwrite: false
        - from: file2.txt
          to: file2Renamed.txt
          overwrite: false
        - from: file3.txt
          to: file3Renamed.txt
Key Description Type
results Array of results of the rename actions Array<any>


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

This action replaces found string in files with content defined in input.

key description type example
files* Array of files and their replacing configuration. array [{‘file’: ‘./backstage/catalog-info.yaml’, ‘find’: ‘Component’, ‘replaceWith’: ‘Resource’}]
files[].file Path to the file to be modified string ./backstage/catalog-info.yaml
files[].find The string to be replaced. A Regex can be used if matchRegex is true. string ‘Component’
files[].matchRegex Specifies if the find value should be used as a Regex expression. Defaults to false. boolean true
files[].replaceWith The string to be used to replace above string ‘Resource’
  - id: Replace text in file
    name: Replace
    action: roadiehq:utils:fs:replace
        - file: './file.1'
          find: 'i_want_to_replace_this'
          replaceWith: ${{ parameters.templated_text }}



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Reads a file from the workspace and optionally parses it.

key description type example
path* Path to the file to read. string ./backstage/catalog-info.yaml
parser Select a parser for the matching content type. string ‘yaml’, ‘json’, ‘multiyaml’
  owner: roadie
  type: service
    - title: Path
          title: Path to the file
          type: string
          description: The path you want to get on your backstage instance
          type: 'string'
          enum: ['yaml', 'json', 'multiyaml']

    - id: roadiehq-utils-fs-parse
      name: backstage request
      action: roadiehq:utils:fs:parse
        path: ${{ parameters.path }}
        parser: ${{ parameters.parser }}

The roadiehq:utils:fs:parse action produces one output.

Key Description type
content Content of the file string / object


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Creates a file with the content on the given path

Name Description Type Example
path* Relative path to the file string ’./content/manifest.json’
content* Content of the file string ’{“a”:“b”}’
preserveFormatting Preserve formatting for JSON content. Defaults to false. boolean true
  - id: create
    name: Create file
    action: roadiehq:utils:fs:write
      path: foo
      content: bar

The roadiehq:utils:fs:write action produces one output.

Name Description Type
path Path to the newly created file string


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Append content to the end of the given file, it will create the file if it does not exist.

Name Description
path* Path to existing file to append.
content* This will be appended to the file
  - id: append
    name: Append to file
    action: roadiehq:utils:fs:append
      path: foo
      content: bar

The roadiehq:utils:fs:append action produces one output.

Name Description
path* Path to the file that got appended to


Merges data into an existing structured file.

Key Description Type Example
path* Path to existing file of JSON or YAML content. string
content* This will be merged into to the file. string / object { ‘a’: ‘thing’ }
mergeArrays* When the file content is an array will attempt to concatenate the provided value with the array in the file. Defaults to false. boolean true
preserveYamlComments* Will preserve standalone and inline comments in YAML files. Defaults to false. boolean true
options* YAML stringify options (for YAML output only) boolean true


Name Description
indent* (default: 2) - indentation width to use (in spaces)
noArrayIndent (default: false) - when true, will not add an indentation level to array elements
skipInvalid (default: false) - do not throw on invalid types (like function in the safe schema) and skip pairs and single values with such types
flowLevel (default: -1) - specifies level of nesting, when to switch from block to flow style for collections. -1 means block style everwhere
sortKeys (default: false) - if true, sort keys when dumping YAML. If a function, use the function to sort the keys
lineWidth (default: 80) - set max line width. Set -1 for unlimited width
noRefs (default: false) - if true, don’t convert duplicate objects into references
noCompatMode (default: false) - if true don’t try to be compatible with older yaml versions. Currently: don’t quote “yes”, “no” and so on, as required for YAML 1.1
condenseFlow (default: false) - if true flow sequences will be condensed, omitting the space between a, b. Eg. ‘[a,b]’, and omitting the space between key: value and quoting the key. Eg. ’{“a”:b}’ Can be useful when using yaml for pretty URL query params as spaces are %-encoded.
quotingType (’ or ”, default: ’) - strings will be quoted using this quoting style. If you specify single quotes, double quotes will still be used for non-printable characters.
forceQuotes (default: false) - if true, all non-key strings will be quoted even if they normally don’t need to.
  - id: merge
    name: JSON merge
    action: roadiehq:utils:merge
      path: foo
      content: bar
        noArrayIndent: true

The roadiehq:utils:merge action produces one output.

Name Description Type
path Path to the file that got updated. string


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Compresses the content found in the Scaffolder workspace at the path specified, to a new compressed file in the workspace.

Name Description Type Example
path* Relative path to the file or directory. string ./error_logs.txt
outputPath* Path of the new zip file that will be saved to the workspace. string ./
  - id: zip
    name: Zip the workspace
    action: roadiehq:utils:zip
      path: ./error_logs.txt
      outputPath: ./

The roadiehq:utils:zip action produces one output.

Name Description Type
outputPath Path to the newly created zip file in the workspace. string


Decompress ZIP files from various sources, such as base64, files, or URLs, and saves them to specified destinations while handling errors.

Key Description Type Example
content Zip File Content. string
destination Relative path of destination files. string
encoding Indicate if input “content” field has encoded in “base64”, “file” or “url”. `‘base64’ ‘file’
skipErrors Not throw on errors, allowing next actions to proceed. boolean
  - action: zip:decompress:plus
    id: zip-decompress
    name: Decompress multiple files.
        encoding: file
        - content: ./
          destination: ./
        - content: ./
          destination: ./

Defines a workflow step that decompresses multiple ZIP files (from local file paths) into specified destination directories using a custom zip:decompress:plus action.

Key Description Type
results List of results for each source input. Array<OutputFields>
success Indicates if the decompression was successful. boolean
files List of decompressed files. array
mode File permissions mode. number
mtime Modification time of the file. string
path Path of the decompressed file. string
type Type of the decompressed file (file/directory). string
errorMessage Error message if decompression failed. string


Allows users to match files using glob patterns and various options for customizing the file search.

Key Description Type Example
patterns* List of glob patterns to match files. array[string]
options.absolute Return the absolute path for entries. boolean
options.baseNameMatch If set to true, patterns without slashes will be matched against the basename of the path if it contains slashes. boolean
options.braceExpansion Enables Bash-like brace expansion. boolean
options.caseSensitiveMatch Enables a case-sensitive mode for matching files. boolean
options.concurrency Specifies the maximum number of concurrent requests from a reader to read directories. number
options.deep Specifies the maximum depth of a read directory relative to the start directory. number Allow patterns to match entries that begin with a period (.). boolean
options.extglob Enables Bash-like extglob functionality. boolean
options.followSymbolicLinks Indicates whether to traverse descendants of symbolic link directories. boolean
options.globstar Enables recursively repeating a pattern containing **. boolean
options.ignore An array of glob patterns to exclude matches. array[string]
options.markDirectories Mark the directory path with the final slash. boolean
options.objectMode Returns objects (instead of strings) describing entries. boolean
options.onlyDirectories Return only directories. boolean
options.onlyFiles Return only files. boolean
options.stats Enables object mode (objectMode) with an additional stats field. boolean
options.suppressErrors Suppresses only ENOENT errors by default. Set to true to suppress any error. boolean
options.throwErrorOnBrokenSymbolicLink Throw an error when symbolic link is broken if true, or safely return lstat call if false. boolean
options.unique Ensures that the returned entries are unique. boolean
options.gitignore Respect ignore patterns in .gitignore files that apply to the globbed files. boolean
  - action: glob:plus
    id: glob
    name: List files
        - "**/*.y[a?]ml"

This step uses the glob:plus action to list all files matching the pattern "**/*.y[a?]ml", which includes .yaml and .yml files.

Key Description Type
results Array of matched file paths array[string]

Parsing and Serialization Actions


Process JSON data from various encoded content sources such as Base64, files, raw data, or URLs.

Key Description Type Example
content* JSON source content string
encoding* Indicates if input content field is encoded in base64, file, raw, or url. string
sources An array of fields containing the source JSON data and encoding information. array of object
commonParams (Optional) Common parameters shared by multiple sources for content and encoding Partial<FieldsType>
  - action: json
    id: json-parse
    name: Parse Json files
        encoding: raw
        - content: '{"key": "value"}'

This uses the json action to parse a raw JSON object from a content source with a common parameter of encoding set to “raw”.

Key Description Type
results Array of parsed JSON objects array of object


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Converts JSON to a string format.

Name Description Type Example
data* Input data to perform serialization on. object / array { a: “a”, b: { c: “c” } }
replacer Array of keys that should be included in output. If specified, keys not in this array will be excluded. array [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]
space The number of spaces to add after each property. If >=1 it adds newlines after each property. If a string it adds that string instead. number / string 1
  - id: roadiehq-utils-serialize-json
    name: serialize json
    action: roadiehq:utils:serialize:json
      data: { a: "a", b: { c: "c" } }
        - a
        - b
        - c
      space: 1

The roadiehq:utils:serialize:json action produces one output.

Name Description Type
serialized Output result from serialization string


Parse XML into JSON using various options and processing pipes, utilizing the xml-js library for conversion.

Key Description Type Example
content* XML source content string
encoding* Indicate if input “content” field has encoded in “base64”, “file”, “raw” or “url”. string
options.pipes Ordered pipes to transform nodes values by type. object
options.compact Whether to produce detailed object or compact object. boolean
options.trim Whether to trim whitespace characters that may exist before and after the text. boolean
options.nativeType Whether to attempt converting text of numerals or boolean values to native type. boolean
options.nativeTypeAttributes Whether to attempt converting attributes of numerals or boolean values to native type. boolean
options.addParent Whether to add parent property in each element object that points to parent object. boolean
options.alwaysArray Whether to always put sub elements as an item inside an array. boolean
options.alwaysChildren Whether to always generate elements property even when there are no actual sub elements. boolean
options.instructionHasAttributes Whether to parse contents of Processing Instruction as attributes or not. boolean
options.ignoreDeclaration Whether to ignore parsing declaration property. boolean
options.ignoreInstruction Whether to ignore parsing processing instruction property. boolean
options.ignoreAttributes Whether to ignore parsing attributes of elements. boolean
options.ignoreComment Whether to ignore parsing comments of the elements. boolean
options.ignoreCdata Whether to ignore parsing CData of the elements. boolean
options.ignoreDoctype Whether to ignore parsing Doctype of the elements. boolean
options.ignoreText Whether to ignore parsing texts of the elements. boolean
  - action: xml
    id: xml-parse
    name: Parse xml files
        encoding: raw
        - content: "<books><book>nature calls</book></books>"

Parse multiple Xmls contents from various sources types.

Key Description Type
results Array of parsed XML objects. array


Parse YAML content from various sources using the Backstage scaffolder framework.

Key Description Type Example
content* YAML source content string
encoding* Indicates if input “content” is encoded in “base64”, “file”, “raw”, or “url” string
  - action: YAML_ID
    id: yaml-parse
    name: Parse yaml files
        encoding: raw
        - content: |
            key: value
        - content: |
            anotherkey: another value

This YAML defines a pipeline step that parses two YAML files using the action identified by YAML_ID, with raw encoding for the content.

Key Description Type
results Array of parsed YAML content array[]


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Converts valid YAML to a string format.

Name Description Type Example
data* Input YAML object to perform serialization on. object { ‘a’: ‘b’ }
options YAML stringify options object { ‘skipInvalid’: ‘true’


Name Description
indent* (default: 2) - indentation width to use (in spaces)
noArrayIndent (default: false) - when true, will not add an indentation level to array elements
skipInvalid (default: false) - do not throw on invalid types (like function in the safe schema) and skip pairs and single values with such types
flowLevel (default: -1) - specifies level of nesting, when to switch from block to flow style for collections. -1 means block style everwhere
sortKeys (default: false) - if true, sort keys when dumping YAML. If a function, use the function to sort the keys
lineWidth (default: 80) - set max line width. Set -1 for unlimited width
noRefs (default: false) - if true, don’t convert duplicate objects into references
noCompatMode (default: false) - if true don’t try to be compatible with older yaml versions. Currently: don’t quote “yes”, “no” and so on, as required for YAML 1.1
condenseFlow (default: false) - if true flow sequences will be condensed, omitting the space between a, b. Eg. ‘[a,b]’, and omitting the space between key: value and quoting the key. Eg. ’{“a”:b}’ Can be useful when using yaml for pretty URL query params as spaces are %-encoded.
quotingType (’ or ”, default: ’) - strings will be quoted using this quoting style. If you specify single quotes, double quotes will still be used for non-printable characters.
forceQuotes (default: false) - if true, all non-key strings will be quoted even if they normally don’t need to.
  - id: roadiehq-utils-serialize-yaml
    name: serialize yaml
    action: roadiehq:utils:serialize:yaml
      data: { 'foo': 'bar' }
        noArrayIndent: true

The roadiehq:utils:serialize:yaml action produces one output.

Name Description Type
serialized Output result from serialization string

Content Manipulation Scaffolder Actions


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Allows performing JSONata operations and transformations on input objects and produces the output result as a step output.

Name Description Type Example
data* Input data to be transformed object / array { a: "a" }
expression* JSONata expression to perform on the input string users[0].email
  - id: transform
    name: Transform with jsonata
    action: roadiehq:utils:jsonata
      data: { users: [{ email: '[email protected]', name: 'a' }] }
      expression: 'users[0].email'

The roadiehq:utils:jsonata action produces one output.

Name Description Type
result Output result from JSONata object / array / string / number


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Allows performing JSONata operations and transformations on a YAML file in the workspace. The result can be read from the result step output.

Name Description Type Example
path* Input path to read yaml file string ‘backstage/catalog-info.yaml’
expression* JSONata expression to perform on the input string ‘
options YAML stringify options object { ‘indent’: 4 }


Name Description
indent* (default: 2) - indentation width to use (in spaces)
noArrayIndent (default: false) - when true, will not add an indentation level to array elements
skipInvalid (default: false) - do not throw on invalid types (like function in the safe schema) and skip pairs and single values with such types
flowLevel (default: -1) - specifies level of nesting, when to switch from block to flow style for collections. -1 means block style everwhere
sortKeys (default: false) - if true, sort keys when dumping YAML. If a function, use the function to sort the keys
lineWidth (default: 80) - set max line width. Set -1 for unlimited width
noRefs (default: false) - if true, don’t convert duplicate objects into references
noCompatMode (default: false) - if true don’t try to be compatible with older yaml versions. Currently: don’t quote “yes”, “no” and so on, as required for YAML 1.1
condenseFlow (default: false) - if true flow sequences will be condensed, omitting the space between a, b. Eg. ‘[a,b]’, and omitting the space between key: value and quoting the key. Eg. ’{“a”:b}’ Can be useful when using yaml for pretty URL query params as spaces are %-encoded.
quotingType (’ or ”, default: ’) - strings will be quoted using this quoting style. If you specify single quotes, double quotes will still be used for non-printable characters.
forceQuotes (default: false) - if true, all non-key strings will be quoted even if they normally don’t need to.
  - id: transform
    name: Transform YAML
    action: roadiehq:utils:jsonata:yaml:transform
      path: a/b/test.txt
      expression: <JSONata expression to perform on the input>
        noArrayIndent: true

The roadiehq:utils:jsonata:yaml:transform action produces one output.

Name Description
result Output result from JSONata yaml transform


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Allows performing JSONata operations and transformations on a JSON file in the workspace. The result can be read from the result step output.

Name Description Type Example
path* Input path to read json file string ‘backstage/package.json’
expression* JSONata expression to perform on the input string ‘engines.node’
as Returns result as a JSON string or an object string ‘string’ / ‘object’
replacer If string is specified for the as field, this filters the output by specifiying an array of keys that should be included in output. If specified, keys not in this array will be excluded. array [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]
space If string is specified for the as field, this defines the number of spaces to add after each property in the resulting string. If >=1 it adds newlines after each property. If a string it adds that string instead. number / string 1
  - id: transform
    name: Transform JSON
    action: roadiehq:utils:jsonata:json:transform
      path: a/b/test.json
      expression: 'users[0]'
      as: 'object'
  - id: transform
    name: Transform JSON
    action: roadiehq:utils:jsonata:json:transform
      path: a/b/test.json
      expression: 'users[0]'
      as: 'string'
        - email
        - name
        - prefix
      space: 1

The roadiehq:utils:jsonata:json:transform action produces one output.

Name Description Type
result Output result from JSONata json transform string / object


Merges JSON files into a single JSON object stored in a new file in the workspace.

Name Description Type Example
inputFile* The file in the working directory to merge. string ‘package.json’
outputFileName* The name of the file to write to. string ‘package.json.updated’
outputFilePath The directory path to output the file to. This is combined with the file name to form the full path. Defaults to the task’s working directory. string ‘updates’
jsonMergeOptions Options to pass to the JSON mergeFiles function. See options here. object { ‘defaultArrayMergeOperation’: ‘concat’ }
    - id: merge-files
      name: Merge files
      action: json:merge-file
        inputFile: "file-1.json"
        outputFileName: results.json
        outputFilePath: updated
          defaultArrayMergeOperation: "concat"



Merges JSON files into a single JSON object stored in a new file in the workspace.

Name Description Type Example
inputFiles* The file in the working directory to merge. array [‘package1.json’, ‘package2.json’]
outputFileName* The name of the file to write to. string ‘package3.json’
outputFilePath The directory path to output the file to. This is combined with the file name to form the full path. Defaults to the task’s working directory. string ‘updates’
jsonMergeOptions Options to pass to the JSON mergeFiles function. See options here. object { ‘defaultArrayMergeOperation’: ‘concat’ }
    - id: merge-files
      name: Merge files
      action: json:merge-file
        inputFiles: ['file-1.json', 'file-2.json']
        outputFileName: result.json
        outputFilePath: updated
          defaultArrayMergeOperation: "concat"



✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Merge new data into an existing JSON file.

Name Description Type Example
path* Path to existing file to append. string ‘package.json’
content* This will be merged into to the file. Can be either an object or a string. string / object { ‘workspaces’: { ‘packages’: [‘packages/’, ‘plugins/’] } }
mergeArrays Where a value is an array the merge function should concatenate the provided array value with the target array. boolean true
matchFileIndent Make the output file indentation match that of the specified input file. boolean true
  - id: merge
    name: JSON merge
    action: json:merge
      path: 'package.json'
          node: '18'
  - id: merge
    name: JSON merge
    action: roadiehq:utils:json:merge
      path: 'package.json'
      mergeArrays: true
      matchFileIndent: true
           - 'packages/*'
           - 'plugins/*'

The roadiehq:utils:json:merge action produces one output.

Name Description Type
path Path to the file that got appended to string


Validate an input structure using the zod library.

Key Description Type Example
regExps* Array of regex objects with patterns, flags, replacements, and values array
pattern* The regex pattern to match the value, like in String.prototype.replace() string
flags Optional array of regex flags (g, m, i, y, u, s, d) array
replacement* The replacement value for the regex, like in String.prototype.replace() string
values* Array of objects containing key-value pairs for regex input values array
key* Key to access the regex value string
value* Input value of the regex string
##### Examples
  • id: regexValues action: regex:replace name: Regex Values input: regExps: - pattern: ‘dog’ replacement: ‘monkey’ values: - key: ‘eg1’ value: exampleValue
Defines a workflow step that processes regex values by replacing instances of "dog" with "monkey" in the provided input value.

##### **Outputs**
| Key        | Description                                                            | Type     |
| `pattern`  | A validated regex pattern that can be passed to the RegExp constructor  | `string` |
| `flags`    | A validated set of flags that modify regex behavior                    | `array`  |
| `values`   | Validated key-value pairs of regex input                               | `array`  |

##### **Links**
- [Code](
- [npm package](


#### `regex:fs:replace:plus`
Enable regex-based search and replacement across files using glob patterns.

##### **Inputs**
| **Key**         | **Description**                                                             | **Type**    | **Example** |
| `pattern`*       | Regex expression to evaluate in file contents from `file`.                  | `string`    |             |
| `glob` *         | Expression glob to find files to evaluate                                   | `string`    |             |
| `replacement`*   | Replacement expression based on the `pattern` field                         | `string`    |             |
| `flags`         | Regex flags like d, g, i, m, s, u, v or y (optional)                        | `string`    |             |

##### **Examples**
Replace in files using Regex and Glob

  - action: regex:fs:replace:plus
    id: regex-fs-replace
    name: Replace in files
      glob: "**/*.y[a?]ml"
      pattern: a
      replacement: b
      flags: g

Replace on xml keeping original indentarion useful to Yaml, Json and XML formats.

  - action: regex:fs:replace:plus
    id: regex-fs-replace
    name: Append spring-kafka
      pattern: ([\t ]+)</dependencies>
      glob: pom.xml
      replacement: |-
        $1	<dependency>
        $1		<!-- added from backstage -->
        $1		<groupId>org.springframework.kafka</groupId>
        $1		<artifactId>spring-kafka</artifactId>
        $1	</dependency>
Key Description Type
results Array containing objects with the results of the regex operation array<object>

Other utils


Generates a list of UUIDv4 values, with inputs for specifying the number of UUIDs and outputs in the form of an array of generated UUID strings.

Key Description Type Example
amount* Amount of UUIDs to generate number

Generate 3 UUID’s

  - action: uuid:v4:gen:plus
    id: uuid-v4-gen
    name: UUID gen
      amount: 3
Key Description Type
results List of generated UUIDs (UUIDv4) array<string>


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Halts the scaffolding for the given amount of seconds

Key Description Type Example
amount* Number of seconds to sleep number 3



Handle and log input variables, and return the same input as the output in a formatted structure.

Key Description Type Example
input* The input object passed to the action object

Proxy vars to reuse on next actions

  - action: vars:plus
    id: reusable-vars
    name: Proxy vars
      foo: my-prefixed-${{ | lower }}-foo
      bar: bar-${{ parameters.value | lower }}
Key Description Type
result Parsed input parameters object

Backstage Specific

Catalog Scaffolder Actions


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This action manually registers an entity in the catalog.

You may want to do this if you haven’t enabled autodiscovery of components or if you’re using a filename which doesn’t match your autodiscovery pattern.

It has two sets of options. The first allows you to configure the location as a complete url through catalogInfoUrl. The second allows you to configure the repo containing the catalog file through repoContentsUrl and optionally a filepath through catalogInfoPath . You might use this along with the publish:github action. In both cases you can pass an optional flag which determines if the location can be created before the catalog files exists.

  - action: catalog:register
    id: register-with-catalog
    name: Manually register with the catalog
      # optional: false # default
  - action: catalog:register
    id: register-with-catalog
    name: Manually register with the catalog
      repoContentsUrl: ${{ steps["publish-repository"].output.repoContentsUrl }}
      # catalogInfoPath: catalog-info.yaml # default
      # optional: false # default

Either catalogInfoUrl must be specified or repoContentsUrl must be specified.

key description value example
catalogInfoUrl An absolute URL pointing to the catalog info file location string GET
optional Permit the registered location to optionally exist. Default: false boolean ‘/proxy/snyk/org/${{ parameters.orgName }}/projects/${{ parameters.projectId }}’
repoContentsUrl An absolute URL pointing to the root of a repository directory tree string Accept: application/json
catalogInfoPath A relative path from the repo root pointing to the catalog info file, defaults to /catalog-info.yaml’ string kind: Component



Registers entities from a catalog descriptor file in the software catalog.

Key Description Type Example
catalogInfoUrl An absolute URL pointing to the catalog info file location string
optional Permit the registered location to optionally exist. Default: false boolean
  - action: catalog:register:plus
    id: register-with-catalog
    name: Register with the catalog
        - catalogInfoUrl:
Key Description Type
entityRef Reference to the entity that was registered string
catalogInfoUrl The URL of the catalog info that was registered string


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

This action creates a catalog-info.yaml file into the workspace directory. It takes an object that will be serialized as YAML into the body of the file.

key description value example
filePath Defaults to catalog-info.yaml string backstage/catalog-info.yaml
entity* A full entiy definition matching the entity schema object
  - action: catalog:write
    id: create-catalog-info-file
    name: Create catalog file
        kind: Component
          name: test
          annotations: {}
          type: service
          lifecycle: production
          owner: default/owner

If you would like to create the catalog file in a custom location you can do that with the filePath option.

  - action: catalog:write
    id: create-catalog-info-file
    name: Create catalog file
      filePath: '.backstage/catalog-info.yaml'
        kind: Component
          name: test
          annotations: {}
          type: service
          lifecycle: production
          owner: default/owner



This action fetches an entity or entities from the catalog by entity reference(s).

key description value example
entityRef An entity reference for the entity you want to fetch. string component:default/test-service
  - action: catalog:fetch
    id: catalog-entity-fetch
    name: Fetch Catalog Entity
      entityRef: component:default/customer-service

You can also use default input parameters for kind and namespace defaultKind, defaultNamespace and specify optional: true if you want the step to continue if the entity or entities do not exist.

  - action: catalog:fetch
    id: catalog-entity-fetch
    name: Fetch Catalog Entity
      entityRef: component:default/customer-service

This action can be combined with parameter values from EntityPicker like so:

      type: string
      ui:field: EntityPicker
  - action: catalog:fetch
    id: catalog-entity-fetch
    name: Fetch Catalog Entity
      entityRef: ${{ parameters.entity }}

An entity object following the schema of Backstage entities or entities which is an array of entity objects.


Queries the catalog using provided filters, fields, and ordering parameters. It utilizes Backstage’s CatalogApi for fetching catalog entities and allows customization through a schema for input and output data.

Key Description Type Example
fields Fields to be retrieved array of string
limit Limit for query results number
filter Filter query for entities any
orderFields.field Field to order by string
orderFields.order Sort order string, enum: asc, desc
fullTextFilter.term Search term for full-text filtering string
fullTextFilter.fields Fields for full-text filtering array of string
  - action: catalog:query:plus
    id: query-in-catalog
    name: Query in catalog
        - limit: 2
            relations.dependsOn: ${{ parameters.component_ref }}

This step queries the catalog for up to 2 entities, retrieving only the field, filtered by a specific template origin annotation and a dependency relation based on the provided component_ref parameter.

Key Description Type
results The queried catalog results array of array of Entity


Query entities based on relations. It uses a schema-based validation approach for input and output.

Key Description Type Example
relations List of entity relations. array of object
relations.type The type of the relation. string
relations.targetRef The entity reference of the target for this relation. string
optional Optional flag indicating whether the property is optional. boolean or undefined
defaultKind Default kind for the entity. string or undefined
defaultNamespace Default namespace for the entity. string or undefined
relationType The type of relation for the entity. string or undefined
  - action: catalog:relation:plus
    id: query-in-relations
    name: Query in relations
        - relations:
            - type: apiProvidedBy
              targetRef: component/default:customers-service
            - type: ownedBy
              targetRef: group/default:dream-devs
          optional: true
          relationType: apiProvidedBy

This step defines an action catalog:relation:plus to query entity relations, filtering by the apiProvidedBy relation type, with optional entities related to customers-service and dream-devs.

Key Description Type
results List of entities (or null) matching the query. array of array of Entity or null


Adds the annotation containing the current timestamp to your entity object



  - id: timestamp
    name: Add Timestamp to catalog-info.yaml
    action: catalog:timestamping



Adds scaffoldedFrom spec containing the template entityRef to your entity object



  - id: append-templateRef
    name: Append the entityRef of this template to the entityRef
    action: catalog:scaffolded-from



Allows you to annotate your entity object with specified label(s), annotation(s) and spec property(ies).

  - id: add-fields-to-catalog-info
    name: Add a few fields into `catalog-info.yaml` using the generic action
    action: catalog:annotate
        custom: ${{ parameters.label }}
        other: "test-label"
      annotations: ${{ parameters.label }} "value"

Notifications Scaffolder Actions


Sends notifications via the Backstage Notification Service. It takes in recipients, severity, and other optional parameters, then sends notifications with the specified payload and error handling.

Key Description Type Example
recipients The recipient of the notification, either broadcast or entity. If using entity, entityRef must be provided string (enum: ‘broadcast’, ‘entity’)
entityRefs The entity references to send the notification to, required if using recipient of entity string[]
title Notification title string
info Notification description string
link Notification link string
severity Notification severity string (enum: ‘low’, ‘normal’, ‘high’, ‘critical’)
scope Notification scope string
optional Do not fail the action if the notification sending fails boolean
  - id: sendNotification
    action: notification:send
    name: Send Notification
      recipients: broadcast
      title: Test notification

This triggers the “send notification” action with a broadcast recipient and a title “Test notification”



Language / protocol / infrastructure

Git Scaffolder Actions


Allows execution of Git commands within a specified working directory.

Key Description Type Example
command* The Git command to run string
workingDirectory* Working directory within the scaffolder workspace to execute the command in string
args Arguments to pass to the Git command string[]
    - id: git
      name: git
      action: git
        command: ${{ parameters.command }} # ex: 'commit' - will make the scaffolder run the `git commit` command
        workingDirectory: ${{ parameters.workingDirectory }} # ex: './my-working-directory' - will execute the command in the specified directory relative to the scaffolder workspace
        args: ${{ parameters.args }} # ex: ['-m', 'My commit message'] - will add '-m My commit message' to the arguments passed to the git command

Example of using the generic git action.




HCL/Terraform Scaffolder Actions


Create an action for merging two HCL contents.

Key Description Type Example
aSourceContent* The HCL content to be merged string
bSourceContent* The HCL content to be merged string
Key Description Type
hcl The merged HCL content string


Merge two HCL content strings and write the merged result to a specified output path.

Key Description Type Example
aSourceContent* The HCL content to be merged string
source content* The HCL content to be merged string
outputPath The path to write the merged HCL content to string



Merge two HCL files specified by their paths.

Key Description Type Example
aSourcePath* The path to the HCL file to be merged string
bSourcePath* The path to the HCL file to be merged string
Key Description Type
hcl The merged HCL content from the two files string


Merge two HCL files and writing the merged content to a specified output path, with input validation using Zod.

Key Description Type Example
aSourcePath* The path to the HCL file to be merged string
bSourcePath* The path to the HCL file to be merged string
outputPath The path to write the merged HCL content to string


Kubernetes Scaffolder Actions


Creates a Kubernetes namespace, leveraging Kubernetes API and Backstage’s catalog client to fetch cluster information.

Key Description Type Example
namespace* Name of the namespace to be created string
clusterRef Cluster resource entity reference from the catalog string
url URL of the Kubernetes API, used if clusterRef is not provided string
token* Bearer token to authenticate with string
skipTLSVerify Skip TLS certificate verification, not recommended for production use, defaults to false boolean
caData Certificate Authority base64 encoded certificate string
labels Labels that will be applied to the namespace. string
    - id: create-kubernetes-namespace
      name: Create kubernetes namespace
      action: kubernetes:create-namespace
        namespace: ${{ parameters.namespace }}
        clusterRef: ${{ parameters.clusterRef }}
        url: ${{ parameters.url }}
        token: ${{ parameters.token }}
        skipTLSVerify: ${{ parameters.skipTLSVerify }}
        caData: ${{ parameters.caData }}
        labels: ${{ parameters.labels }}

This example creates a Kubernetes namespace using the kubernetes:create-namespace action, with inputs sourced from specified parameters.




Action for deploying Kubernetes manifests within a Backstage application, using the Kubernetes API to apply the provided YAML or JSON resources.

In this format, the Inputs table summarizes the parameters required for the action, while the Outputs table outlines the expected output from the action.

Key Description Type Example
manifest* YAML or JSON manifest for the Kubernetes resource to be applied any
clusterUrl* URL of the Kubernetes API string
authToken* Bearer token to authenticate with the Kubernetes API string
Key Description Type
result Result of the applied Kubernetes manifest KubernetesObject


Action for applying Kubernetes manifests in a Backstage application.

Key Description Type Example
manifest* The resource manifest to apply in the Platform cluster string
namespaced* Whether the API is namespaced or not boolean
    - action: kube:apply
      id: k-apply
      name: Create a Resouce
        namespaced: true
        manifest: |
          kind: Foo
            name: ${{ }}
            namespace: default
Key Description Type
metadata Metadata about the applied resource object
namespace The namespace of the applied resource string
name The name of the applied resource string
response The response object from the Kubernetes API object


Action for deleting Kubernetes resources.

Key Description Type Example
apiVersion* The apiVersion of the resource string
kind* The kind of the resource string
name* The name of the resource string
namespace The namespace of the resource string
    - action: kube:delete
      id: k-delete
      name: Delete
        kind: Foo
        namespace: ${{parameters.namespace}}
        name: ${{ }}



Action that waits for a Kubernetes job to complete based on specified labels and a namespace.

Note: The output properties for conditions have been generalized; you may want to specify the exact structure depending on your use case.

Key Description Type Example
labels* The labels of the job resource to wait on Record<string, string>
namespace The namespace of the resource to wait on, e.g. default string
  - action: kube:job:wait
    id: k-wait
    name: Wait for a Job to complete
        job-name: foo-bar
        # more labels

This is a step example that waits for a Kubernetes job with the label job-name: foo-bar to complete, using the kube:job:wait action and assigning it the ID k-wait.

Key Description Type
conditions The conditions of the job once it has completed Array<{ type: string; status: string; ... }>

Maven Scaffolder Actions


Runs Maven commands in a specified working directory with optional arguments.

Key Description Type Example
command* The Maven command to execute string
workingDirectory Directory within the scaffolder workspace to run the command string
args Arguments to pass to the command string[]
  - id: maven
    name: maven
    action: maven
      command: ${{ parameters.command }} # ex: 'clean package' 
      workingDirectory: ${{ parameters.workingDirectory }} # ex: './my-working-directory' - will execute the command in the specified directory relative to the scaffolder workspace
      args: ${{ parameters.args }} # ex: ['-P', 'Profile'] - will add '-P Profile' to the arguments passed to the maven command


NPM Scaffolder Actions


Action that automates running the npm init -y command in a specified workspace directory.

Key Description Type Example
ctx.workspacePath The path of the workspace directory where npm init will be run string
ctx.logStream The stream used to log the execution of the shell command Stream Method for logging informational messages function
ctx.logger.error Method for logging error messages function
    - id: npm-init
      name: init
      action: npm:init
Key Description Type
npm:init Action ID for identifying this template action string
npm Command for running npm init retrieved via getNpmCommand string
executeShellCommand Function executing the npm command in the shell function


Action for a Backstage Scaffolder plugin that installs an npm package quietly based on the provided package name.

Key Description Type Example
packageToInstall* Name of the package to install string
  - id: npm-install
    name: install
    action: npm:install
      packageToInstall: ${{ parameters.packageToInstall }}



Action for executing npm exec commands in a task workspace directory, using specific arguments provided in the input.

Key Description Type Example
arguments The arguments to pass to the npm exec command array
arguments.items The individual string arguments in the array string
  - id: npm-exec
    name: exec
    action: npm:exec
      args: ${{ parameters.execArgs }}



For the Backstage scaffolder plugin that runs an npm config command with specified arguments in a task’s workspace directory.

Key Description Type Example
arguments* The arguments to pass to the npm config command array of strings
  - id: npm-config
    name: config
    action: npm:config
      args: ${{ parameters.execArgs }}


Odo Scaffolder Actions

OpenShift Do.


Action for executing OpenShift Do (odo) commands in a workspace.

Key Description Type Example
command* The odo command to run from the scaffolder workspace string
args Arguments to pass to the command array
    - id: generic-odo-command
      name: Execute odo command
      action: devfile:odo:command
        command: ${{ parameters.command }} # e.g.: 'analyze'
        args: ${{ parameters.args }} # e.g.: ['-o', 'json']
Key Description Type
GLOBALODOCONFIG Path to the temporary odo config file string
ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT Telemetry tracking consent setting for odo string
TELEMETRY_CALLER Caller context for telemetry (set to backstage) string


Action to initialize an ODO (OpenShift Do) component using a Devfile within a Backstage scaffolder template.

Key Description Type Example
devfile* The Devfile to use string
version* The Devfile Stack version string
starter_project The starter project string
name* The new component name string
    - id: odo-init
      name: Generate
      action: devfile:odo:component:init
        name: ${{ }}
        devfile: ${{ parameters.devfile_data.devfile }}
        version: ${{ parameters.devfile_data.version }}
        starter_project: ${{ parameters.devfile_data.starter_project }}


Pulumi Scaffolder Actions


Action for creating a new Pulumi project, including input validation and execution of necessary commands to set up the project.

Key Description Type Example
template* The Pulumi template to use, this can be a built-in template or a URL to a template string
stack* The name of the Pulumi stack string
organization* The organization to which the Pulumi stack belongs string
name* The name of the Pulumi project string
description The Pulumi project description to use string
config The Pulumi project config to use object
secretConfig The Pulumi project secret config to use object
args The Pulumi command arguments to run string[]
folder* The folder to run Pulumi in string
  - id: pulumi-new-component
    name: Cookie cut the component Pulumi project
    action: pulumi:new
      name: "${{ parameters.component_id }}-infrastructure"
      description: ${{ parameters.description | dump }}
      organization: ediri
      stack: ${{ parameters.stack }}
      template: "${{ }}-${{ parameters.language }}"
        "node:node_count": "${{ parameters.nodeCount }}"
      folder: .

This example creates a new Pulumi project for a component, using specified parameters such as name, description, organization, stack, template URL, configuration settings, and folder.




Runs Pulumi to manage cloud resources, either in a local or remote workspace based on the provided configuration.

Key Description Type Example
stack* The name of the Pulumi stack. string
organization* The organization name for the Pulumi stack. string
name* The name of the Pulumi project. string
deployment* This flag indicates that Pulumi Deployment will be used. boolean
repoUrl The Pulumi project repo URL to use, when using Pulumi Deployment. string
repoBranch The Pulumi project repo branch to use, when using Pulumi Deployment. string
repoProjectPath The Pulumi project repo path to use, when using Pulumi Deployment. string
config The Pulumi project config to use. object
providerCredentialsFromEnv The Pulumi project provider credentials to use. array of string
secretConfig The Pulumi project secret config to use. object
outputs The Pulumi project outputs to return. array of string
preRunCommands The Pulumi project pre-run commands to execute. array of string
suppressProgress Suppress progress output. boolean
    - id: pulumi-deploy-infrastructure
      name: Deploy the infrastructure using Pulumi CLI
      action: pulumi:up
        deployment: false
        name: "${{ parameters.component_id }}-infrastructure"
        repoUrl: "${{ (parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl)['owner'] }}/${{ (parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl)['repo'] }}"
        repoProjectPath: .
        organization: ediri
          - kubeconfig
          - ClusterId
        stack: ${{ parameters.stack }}

This example uses the Pulumi CLI to deploy infrastructure, specifying parameters such as the deployment type, project details, organization name, stack, and the expected outputs.

Key Description Type
(dynamic) The Pulumi project outputs to return. record of { [key: string]: { value: any; } }

3rd Party Tools

Ansible Scaffolder Actions


Action for launching an Ansible job template and waiting for it to complete.

Key Description Type Example
ansibleConfig Configuration for Ansible, including URL and token. object
jobTemplateId* The ID of the Ansible job template to be launched. number
Key Description Type
job Information for the Ansible job that was run. object


Triggers the launch of an Ansible job template via the Ansible controller API.

Key Description Type Example
controller* Specifies the controller to be used string
job_template* Name of the job template to be executed string
extra_vars Additional variables passed to the job object
  - id: call-ansible
    name: Calling ansible to launch
    action: ansible-controller:job_template:launch
      controller: my-controller
      job_template: Demo Job Template
        execution_count: ${{ parameters.execution_count }}
        fail_execution: ${{ parameters.fail_execution }}

Configure your template call to ansible.

Key Description Type
job Status and details of the job object

ArgoCD Scaffolder Actions


Action for creating Argo CD resources using Backstage’s scaffolding plugin.

Key Description Type Example
projectName The name of the project as it will show up in Argo CD. By default, it uses the application name. string
appName* The name of the app as it will show up in Argo CD. string
argoInstance* The name of the Argo CD Instance to deploy to. string
namespace* The namespace Argo CD will target for resource deployment. string
repoUrl* The Repo URL that will be programmed into the Argo CD project and application. string
path* The path of the resources Argo CD will watch in the mentioned repository. string
labelValue The label Backstage will use to find applications in Argo CD. string
  - id: create-argocd-resources
    name: Create ArgoCD Resources
    action: argocd:create-resources
      appName: ${{ }}-nonprod
      argoInstance: ${{ parameters.argoinstance }}
      namespace: ${{ parameters.namespace }}
      repoUrl: ${{ steps.publish.output.remoteUrl }}
      labelValue: ${{ }}
      path: "kubernetes/nonprod"

This creates Argo CD resources by invoking the argocd:create-resources action, using specified parameters for application name, Argo CD instance, namespace, repository URL, label value, and resource path.

Key Description Type
argoInstance The Argo CD instance to which resources are deployed. string
appName The name of the application in Argo CD. string
projectName The name of the project in Argo CD. string
namespace The namespace where resources are deployed. string
sourceRepo The repository URL for the application resources. string
sourcePath The path within the repository where resources are located. string
labelValue The label used to identify the application in Argo CD. string

AWS Scaffolder Actions


Action that uploads files from a local directory to an AWS S3 bucket using specified parameters.

Key Description Type Example
bucket* The bucket to copy the given path string
region* AWS region string
path A Glob pattern that lists the files to upload. Defaults to everything in the workspace string
prefix Prefix to use in the s3 key. string
endpoint The fully qualified endpoint of the web service. string
s3ForcePathStyle Whether to force path style URLs for S3 objects boolean
  - id: uploadToS3
    name: Upload to S3
    action: roadiehq:aws:s3:cp
      region: eu-west-1
      bucket: ${{ parameters.bucket }}
Key Description Type
files List of files that were successfully uploaded array
error Error message if the upload fails string


This TypeScript code defines a Backstage template action for creating an AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository.

Key Description Type Example
repoName* The name of the ECR repository. string
tags List of tags. array
imageMutability Set image mutability to true or false. boolean
scanOnPush The image scanning configuration for the repository. This determines whether images are scanned for known vulnerabilities after being pushed to the repository. boolean
region* AWS region to create ECR on. string
    - id: create-ecr
      name: Create ECR Rrepository
      action: roadiehq:aws:ecr:create
        repoName: ${{ parameters.RepoName }}
        tags: ${{parameters.Tags}}
        imageMutability: ${{parameters.ImageMutability}}
        scanOnPush: ${{parameters.ScanOnPush}}
        region: ${{parameters.Region}}

This creates an AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository by utilizing the roadiehq:aws:ecr:create action and passing in parameters for the repository name, tags, image mutability, scan-on-push setting, and AWS region.

Key Description Type
repository.repositoryUri URI of the created ECR repository. string


Action for creating a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager using the Backstage scaffolder plugin.

Key Description Type Example
name* The name of the secret to be created string
description The description of the secret to be created string
value The string value to be encrypted in the new secret string
tags AWS tags to be added to the secret array
profile AWS profile to use string
region* AWS region to create the secret on string
    - id: createSecret
      name: create secret - prod
      action: roadiehq:aws:secrets-manager:create
        name: ${{ parameters.Name }}
        description: ${{ parameters.Description }}
        value: ${{ parameters.Value }}
        tags: ${{parameters.Tags}}
        profile: ${{parameters.Profile}}
        region: ${{parameters.Region}}
Key Description Type
secretArn The ARN of the created secret string
name The name of the created secret string
description The description of the created secret string
tags The tags associated with the created secret array


Action that retrieves AWS environment provider data based on a reference to an AWS environment entity from the Backstage catalog.

Key Description Type Example
environmentRef* The entity reference identifier for an AWS Environment string
Key Description Type
envName* The AWS environment name string
envShortName* The short AWS environment name (e.g., dev, qa, prod) string
envRef* The entity reference ID of the environment string
envDeployManualApproval* Whether manual approval is required for deploying to the environment boolean
envProviders* The AWS environment providers, including details such as name, type, account, region, VPC, and subnets array


Action that creates secrets in AWS Secrets Manager.

Key Description Type Example
secretName* The name of the secret to create in Secrets Manager string
description An optional description of the secret string
region The AWS region where the new secret should be created string
tags Key/value pairs to apply as tags to any created AWS resources array of object
tags.Key The tag key to apply to the resource string
tags.Value The tag value to apply to the resource string, number, boolean
secretName*, description, region, tags
Key Description Type
secretARN The ARN of the created secret string


Action for creating a GitLab repository access token and storing it in AWS Secrets Manager.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repository Location string
projectId* Project Id number
secretArn* Arn of the SecretsManager secret where the access token will be stored string
region AWS Region (defaults to backend.platformRegion if not provided) string
Key Description Type
token The generated repository access token string
expirationDate The expiration date of the access token string


Action that retrieves metadata about the OPA (Open Policy Agent) on AWS platform, specifically fetching the AWS region where the solution is deployed.

Key Description Type Example
envConfig* Configuration options for the action Config
Key Description Type
platformRegion* The AWS region where the OPA on AWS solution is deployed string


Action that retrieves AWS SSM parameter values for specified environment providers.

Key Description Type Example
paramKeys* The SSM parameter keys to look up string[]
envProviders* The AWS environment providers containing account and region info EnvironmentProvider[]
Key Description Type
params Map of SSM parameters, keyed off of the environment provider name object


This action creates AWS resources using the AWS Cloud Control API.

Key Description Type Example
typeName* The AWS resource type string ‘AWS::ECR::Repository’
desiredState* string ’{“RepositoryName”: ”${{ }}-ecr-repository”}’
wait* boolean true
maxWaitTime* number 20
  - id: create-ecr-repository
    name: Create ECR Repository
    action: aws:cloudcontrol:create
      typeName: 'AWS::ECR::Repository'
      desiredState: '{"RepositoryName": "${{ }}-ecr-repository"}'
      wait: true
      maxWaitTime: 20


Azure Scaffolder Actions


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Action to initialize a Git repository and publish it to Azure DevOps.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repository Location string
description Repository Description string
defaultBranch Sets the default branch on the repository. The default value is ‘master’. string
gitCommitMessage Sets the commit message on the repository. The default value is ‘initial commit’. string
gitAuthorName Sets the default author name for the commit. The default value is ‘Scaffolder’. string
gitAuthorEmail Sets the default author email for the commit. string
sourcePath Path within the workspace that will be used as the repository root. If omitted, the entire workspace will be published. string
token The token to use for authorization to Azure. string
  - id: publish
    action: publish:azure
    name: Publish to Azure
      repoUrl: ''
      description: 'Initialize a git repository'

This performs an action to publish content to Azure DevOps by initializing a Git repository with a specified URL and description.

Key Description Type
remoteUrl A URL to the repository with the provider string
repoContentsUrl A URL to the root of the repository string
repositoryId The Id of the created repository string
commitHash The git commit hash of the initial commit string


This action clones repositories from Azure DevOps.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repo URL to be parsed with parseRepoUrl string
fromRef Git references (branch, tag, or commit ID) to checkout; default is 'master' string
targetPath Relative path on the workspace to store repository contents; default is './' string
  - action: GIT_CLONE_AZURE
    id: git-azure-clone
    name: Clone from azure repo same ref
        fromRef: ref/heads/main
        - repoUrl:
          targetPath: ./repo-1
        - repoUrl:
          targetPath: ./repo-2

This clones two Azure DevOps repositories using the same Git reference (main).

Key Description Type
results Array of results containing repository clone details array<object>


Action for committing and pushing changes to an Azure DevOps Git repository.

Key Description Type Example
toBranch* New branch to commit and push. string
commitMessage* Commit message string. string
targetPath Relative path on workspace where repository contents are stored, default is './'. string
  - action: GIT_COMMIT_AZURE
    id: git-azure-commit
    name: Commit to azure repo same ref
        toBranch: ref/heads/main
        commitMessage: "Add some files"
        - targetPath: ./repo-1
        - targetPath: ./repo-2

Step to commit and push changes to an Azure DevOps Git repository on the main branch for two different repositories (./repo-1 and ./repo-2) using the specified commit message.

Key Description Type
results Array of objects containing the results of the commit operation. array


Automates the creation of Azure DevOps pipelines from Git repositories.

Key Description Type Example
pipelinePath Path to the pipeline in the repository string
yamlFilename Path to pipeline YAML file (default: .azuredevops/azure-pipelines.yaml) string
pipelineName Name of the pipeline string
defaultBranch Default branch reference (default: refs/heads/main) string
repoUrl* Repository URL to be parsed with parseRepoUrl string

pipelinePath, yamlFilename, pipelineName, defaultBranch, repoUrl*

    id: pipeline-create-azure
    name: Create pipelines
        defaultBranch: 'ref/heads/main'
        pipelinePath: 'my-microsservices'
        yamlFilename: '.azure-pipeline.yaml'
        - repoUrl: './repo-1'
          pipelineName: 'repo-1'
        - repoUrl: './repo-2'
          pipelineName: 'repo-2'

This creates Azure pipelines for two repositories (repo-1 and repo-2), using common parameters such as the default branch, pipeline path, and YAML filename.

Key Description Type
results The result array with pipeline creation responses array<object>


This creates an Azure Pipeline through the Azure DevOps REST API using Backstage’s scaffolding plugin.

Key Description Type Example
createApiVersion The Azure Create Pipeline API version to use. Defaults to 6.1-preview.1. string
server The host of Azure DevOps. Defaults to string
organization* The name of the Azure DevOps organization. string
project* The name of the Azure project. string
folder* The name of the folder of the pipeline. string
name The name of the pipeline. string
repositoryId The ID of the repository. string
repositoryName The name of the repository. string
yamlPath The location of the Azure DevOps Pipeline definition file. Defaults to /azure-pipelines.yaml. string
token Optional. Token for Azure API authentication. If not provided, uses credentials from integration. string
    - id: createAzurePipeline
      name: Create Azure Pipeline
      action: azure:pipeline:create
        organization: ${{ (parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl)['organization'] }}
        project: ${{ (parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl)['owner'] }}
        folder: "my-azure-pipelines-folder"
        name: ${{ }}
        repositoryId: ${{ steps.publish.output.repositoryId }}
        repositoryName: ${{ (parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl)['repo'] }}
        yamlPath: <optional value to your azure pipelines yaml file, defaults to ./azure-pipelines.yaml>
Key Description Type
pipelineId The ID of the created Azure pipeline. string
pipelineUrl The URL to the created Azure pipeline in Azure DevOps. string


Defines an Azure DevOps pipeline runner action using Backstage’s scaffolder plugin.

Key Description Type Example
runApiVersion The Azure Run Pipeline API version to use. Defaults to 7.0 string
buildApiVersion The Builds API version to use. Defaults to 6.1-preview.6 string
server The host of Azure DevOps. Defaults to string
organization The name of the Azure DevOps organization string
pipelineId* The pipeline ID string
project* The name of the Azure project string
branch The branch of the pipeline’s repository string
pipelineParameters The values needed as parameters to start a build object
    - id: runAzurePipeline
      name: Run Azure Pipeline
      action: azure:pipeline:run
        organization: ${{ (parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl)['organization'] }}
        pipelineId: ${{ steps.createAzurePipeline.output.pipelineId }}
        project: ${{ (parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl)['owner'] }}
Key Description Type
pipelineRunId ID of the initiated Azure pipeline run number
pipelineUrl URL to the Azure pipeline run string
status Status of the pipeline run (e.g., inProgress, completed) string


Defines an Azure DevOps pipeline permission management action for Backstage scaffolding.

Key Description Type Example
permitsApiVersion The Azure Permits Pipeline API version to use. Defaults to 7.1-preview.1. string
server The host of Azure DevOps. Defaults to string
organization* The name of the Azure DevOps organization. string
project* The name of the Azure DevOps project. string
resourceId* The resource ID for which permissions are being changed. string
resourceType* The type of the resource (e.g., endpoint). string
authorized* A boolean indicating whether to authorize (true) or unauthorize (false) the pipeline. boolean
pipelineId* The ID of the Azure pipeline to be authorized/unauthorized. string
token An optional token for Azure DevOps API authentication. If not provided, it uses the credentials from the integration. string
    - id: permitAzurePipeline
      name: Change Azure Pipeline Permissions
      action: azure:pipeline:permit
        organization: ${{ (parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl)['organization'] }}
        project: ${{ (parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl)['owner'] }}
        resourceId: <serviceEndpointId>
        resourceType: endpoint
        authorized: true
        pipelineId: ${{ steps.createAzurePipeline.output.pipelineId }}
Key Description Type
response.ok A boolean indicating if the pipeline permissions were successfully changed. boolean
response.status The HTTP status code of the pipeline permissions change request. number


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Action for cloning an Azure DevOps repository into a specified workspace directory, handling authentication via personal access tokens or bearer tokens.

Key Description Type Example
remoteUrl* The Git URL to the repository. string
branch The branch to checkout to. string
targetPath The subdirectory of the working directory to clone the repository into. string
server The hostname of the Azure DevOps service. Defaults to string
token The token to use for authorization. string
    - id: cloneAzureRepo
      name: Clone Azure Repo
      action: azure:repo:clone
        branch: "main"
        targetPath: ./sub-directory
Key Description Type
repositoryId The ID of the cloned repository. string


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Action that pushes content from a local workspace to a remote Azure repository.

Key Description Type Example
branch* The branch to checkout to. string
sourcePath The subdirectory of the working directory containing the repository. string
gitCommitMessage Sets the commit message on the repository. The default value is ‘Initial commit’. string
gitAuthorName Sets the default author name for the commit. The default value is ‘Scaffolder’. string
gitAuthorEmail Sets the default author email for the commit. string
    - id: pushAzureRepo
      name: Push to Remote Azure Repo
      action: azure:repo:push
        sourcePath: ./sub-directory
        gitCommitMessage: Add ${{ }} project files



✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Action for creating a pull request in Azure DevOps.

Key Description Type Example
organization The name of the organization in Azure DevOps. string
sourceBranch The branch to merge into the source. string
targetBranch The branch to merge into (default: main). string
title* The title of the pull request. string
description The description of the pull request. string
repoId* Repo ID of the pull request. string
project The Project in Azure DevOps. string
supportsIterations Whether or not the PR supports iterations. boolean
server The hostname of the Azure DevOps service. Defaults to string
token The token to use for authorization. string
autoComplete Enable auto-completion of the pull request once policies are met boolean
    - id: pullRequestAzureRepo
      name: Create a Pull Request to Azure Repo
      action: azure:repo:pr
        sourceBranch: <MY_AZURE_REPOSITORY_BRANCH>
        targetBranch: "main"
        repoId: <MY_AZURE_REPOSITORY>
        title: ${{ }}
        project: <MY_AZURE_PROJECT>
        organization: <MY_AZURE_ORGANIZATION>
        supportsIterations: false
Key Description Type
pullRequestId The ID of the created pull request number

Bitbucket Scaffolder Actions


This action creates a new Bitbucket repository and publishes the files in the workspace directory to the repository. There is one mandatory parameter repoUrl. The repo url picker described in the string parameter description above.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repository Location string
description Repository Description string
repoVisibility Repository Visibility (private or public) string
defaultBranch Sets the default branch on the repository. The default value is ‘master’ string
sourcePath Path within the workspace that will be used as the repository root. If omitted, the entire workspace is used. string
enableLFS Enable LFS for the repository (only available for hosted Bitbucket). boolean
token The token to use for authorization to BitBucket string
gitCommitMessage Sets the commit message on the repository. The default value is ‘initial commit’ string
gitAuthorName Sets the default author name for the commit. The default value is ‘Scaffolder’ string
gitAuthorEmail Sets the default author email for the commit. string

The repoUrl must be in the format<project name>&workspace=<workspace name>&project=<project name>

  - action: publish:bitbucket
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Bitbucket
      repoUrl: ''

You can optionally add a description to the new repository.

  - action: publish:bitbucket
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Bitbucket
      repoUrl: ''
      description: 'My new project'

By default the project will be created as a private repository. It can be made public using the repoVisibility option.

  - action: publish:bitbucket
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Bitbucket
      repoUrl: ''
      repoVisibility: 'public'

By default the repository is created with a “master” branch. If you would like to use “main” instead you can us the defaultBranch option.

  - action: publish:bitbucket
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Bitbucket
      repoUrl: ''
      defaultBranch: 'main'

By default the repository will be populated with the files contained in the workspace directory. If you need to use a subdirectory, you can use the sourcePath option.

  - action: publish:bitbucket
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Bitbucket
      repoUrl: ''
      sourcePatch: './repoRoot'

The publish:bitbucket action produces the following outputs.

Name Description
remoteUrl Url for the newly created repository
repoContentsUrl Url that shows the contents of the repository


Action that creates and initializes a Bitbucket Cloud repository and publishes content to it from a workspace.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repository location string
description Repository description string
repoVisibility Repository visibility (private or public) string
defaultBranch Sets the default branch on the repository (default is ‘master’) string
gitCommitMessage Sets the commit message on the repository (default is ‘initial commit’) string
sourcePath Path within the workspace to use as the repository root string
token Authentication token for Bitbucket Cloud string
  - id: publish
    action: publish:bitbucketCloud
    name: Publish to Bitbucket Cloud
      description: Initialize a git repository

This publishes content to Bitbucket Cloud by initializing a repository, providing the repository URL, workspace, project, and a description for the repository.

Key Description Type
remoteUrl URL to the repository with the provider string
repoContentsUrl URL to the root of the repository string
commitHash Git commit hash of the initial commit string


Triggers a run of a Bitbucket Cloud pipeline using the Backstage framework.

Key Description Type Example
workspace* The Bitbucket workspace to run the pipeline in string
repo_slug* The repository identifier where the pipeline is triggered string
body Optional body to pass to the pipeline trigger request object
token Optional authorization token for Bitbucket API requests string
  - action: bitbucket:pipelines:run
    id: run-bitbucket-pipeline
    name: Run an example bitbucket pipeline
      workspace: test-workspace
      repo_slug: test-repo-slug
            type: commit
            hash: a3c4e02c9a3755eccdc3764e6ea13facdf30f923
            type: custom
            pattern: Deploy to production
          type: pipeline_ref_target
          ref_name: master
          ref_type: branch
Key Description Type
buildNumber The build number of the triggered pipeline number
repoUrl A URL to the repository where the pipeline was triggered string
repoContentsUrl A URL to view the pipeline in Bitbucket Cloud string


Action for publishing a pull request to a Bitbucket Cloud repository using Backstage’s scaffolding system.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repository Location string
title* Pull Request title string
description The description of the pull request string
targetBranch Branch to apply changes to. Default is ‘master’. string
sourceBranch* Branch to copy changes from string
token Token for authorization to Bitbucket Cloud string
gitAuthorName Author name for the commit. Default is ‘Scaffolder’. string
gitAuthorEmail Author email for the commit string
  - action: 'publish:bitbucketCloud:pull-request'
    id: 'publish-bitbucket-cloud-pull-request-target-branch'
    name: 'Creating pull request on bitbucket cloud'
      repoUrl: ''
      title: 'My pull request'
      sourceBranch: 'my-feature-branch'
      targetBranch: 'development'
Key Description Type
pullRequestUrl A URL to the pull request with the provider string


Creates a new repository in Bitbucket Server.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repository Location string
description Repository Description string
repoVisibility Repository Visibility string (enum: ['private', 'public'])
defaultBranch Default branch on the repository (default value is ‘master’) string
sourcePath Path within the workspace used as the repository root string
enableLFS Enable Git Large File Storage (LFS) for the repository boolean
token Authentication token for Bitbucket Server string
gitCommitMessage Git commit message (default value is ‘initial commit’) string
gitAuthorName Author name for the commit (default value is ‘Scaffolder’) string
gitAuthorEmail Author email for the commit string
  - action: publish:bitbucketServer
    id: publish-bitbucket-server-minimal
    name: Publish To Bitbucket Server
      repoUrl: ''
      description: 'This is a test repository'
      repoVisibility: 'private'
      defaultBranch: 'main'
      sourcePath: 'packages/backend'
      enableLFS: false
      token: 'test-token'
      gitCommitMessage: 'Init check commit'
      gitAuthorName: 'Test User'
      gitAuthorEmail: '[email protected]'

This publishes a repository to Bitbucket Server, specifying repository details, visibility, commit information, and optional configuration like enabling LFS.

Key Description Type
remoteUrl A URL to the repository with the provider string
repoContentsUrl A URL to the root of the repository string
commitHash The git commit hash of the initial commit string


Opens a pull request on a Bitbucket Server repository to merge two existing branches.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repository Location (URL) string
title* The title for the pull request string
description The description of the pull request string
targetBranch Branch of repository to apply changes to. Defaults to ‘master’ string
sourceBranch* Branch of repository to copy changes from string
token Authorization token for Bitbucket Server string
gitAuthorName Author name for the commit. Defaults to ‘Scaffolder’ string
gitAuthorEmail Author email for the commit string
  - action: publish:bitbucketServer:pull-request
    id: publish-bitbucket-server-pull-request-minimal
    name: Creating pull request on bitbucket server
      title: My pull request
      sourceBranch: my-feature-branch
      description: This is a detailed description of my pull request

This example creates a pull request on a Bitbucket Server, including action type, identification, name, and input parameters like repository URL, title, source branch, and description.

Key Description Type
pullRequestUrl A URL to the pull request created in the Bitbucket Server string

CNEO Scaffolder Actions


Action for applying Kubernetes manifests using kubectl, either from a string, an object, or a file path, with support for namespaced configurations and cluster authentication.

Key Description Type Example
manifestString The manifest to apply in the cluster. Must be a string. string
manifestObject The manifest to apply in the cluster. Must be an object. object
manifestPath The path to the manifest file. string
namespaced* Whether the API is namespaced or not. boolean
clusterName The name of the cluster to apply this. string
Key Description Type
The object returned by Kubernetes by performing this operation object


Verify resource dependencies for CNOE.

Key Description Type Example
verifiers* The list of verifiers array of string



Action for sanitizing resources defined in a YAML document by removing empty fields, before further processing.

Key Description Type Example
document* The document to be sanitized string
Key Description Type
sanitized The sanitized document string

Codacy Scaffolder Actions


Action for adding a repository to Codacy using its API.

Key Description Type Example
provider The name of the code hosting provider. string
owner The username or organization name that owns the repository. string
repository The name of the repository to add. string
  - id: add-repo
    name: Add Repository to Codacy
    action: codacy:add-repo
      provider: gh|gl|bb
      owner: your-organization-or-username
      repository: ${{ parameters.repoName }}

This example adds a specified repository from a given code hosting provider (GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket) to Codacy, using the organization or username as the owner and a parameter for the repository name.

Key Description Type
data Response data from Codacy upon successful addition of the repository. object

Confluence Scaffolder Actions


Action that transforms Confluence content into Markdown format and updates a GitHub repository with the new Markdown files and modified mkdocs.yml configuration.

Key Description Type Example
confluenceUrls Paste your Confluence URL. Ensure it follows this format: https://{confluence+base+url}/display/{spacekey}/{page+title} or https://{confluence+base+url}/spaces/{spacekey}/pages/1234567/{page+title} for Confluence Cloud. array
repoUrl GitHub Repo URL, specifying the location of the mkdocs.yml file inside the GitHub repository where you want to store the document. string
Key Description Type
repo The name of the repository. string
owner The owner of the repository. string

Cue Scaffolder Actions


This action fetches some template content, runs a Cue command on it, and copies output files to a specified directory.

Key Description Type Example
url* Relative path or absolute URL pointing to the directory tree to fetch string
cuePkg Cue package name, default is “config” string
cueCmd Cue command name, default is “run” string
cueOutDir Cue output dir, default is “out” string
values Values to pass on to the templating engine object
targetPath Target path within the working directory to generate contents to. Defaults to the working directory root. string
Key Description Type
out Output directory containing generated files string

Gerrit Scaffolder Actions


Action for creating a new Gerrit review by committing and pushing changes to a Git repository.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repository Location string
branch Branch of the repository the review will be created on string
sourcePath Subdirectory of working directory containing the repository string
gitCommitMessage* Sets the commit message on the repository. string
gitAuthorName Sets the default author name for the commit. The default value is ‘Scaffolder’ string
gitAuthorEmail Sets the default author email for the commit. string
  - id: publish
    action: publish:gerrit:review
    name: Publish new gerrit review
      gitCommitMessage: Initial Commit Message
      branch: develop

This publishes a new Gerrit review, specifying the repository URL, commit message, and branch to use.

Key Description Type
reviewUrl A URL to the review string
repoContentsUrl A URL to the root of the repository string


Action that initializes a Git repository with content from the workspace and publishes it to a Gerrit repository.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl Repository Location string
description Repository Description string
defaultBranch Sets the default branch on the repository. The default value is ‘master’ string
gitCommitMessage Sets the commit message on the repository. The default value is ‘initial commit’ string
gitAuthorName Sets the default author name for the commit. The default value is ‘Scaffolder’ string
gitAuthorEmail Sets the default author email for the commit. string
sourcePath Path within the workspace that will be used as the repository root. string
  - id: publish
    action: publish:gerrit
    name: Publish to Gerrit
      repoUrl: ''
      description: 'Initialize a gerrit repository'

This publishes content to a Gerrit repository.

Key Description Type
remoteUrl* A URL to the repository with the provider string
repoContentsUrl A URL to the root of the repository string
commitHash The git commit hash of the initial commit string

Gitea Scaffolder Actions


This action initializes a git repository from workspace content and publishes it to a Gitea repository.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repository Location string
description Repository Description string
defaultBranch Sets the default branch on the repository. The default value is ‘main’ string
repoVisibility Sets the visibility of the repository. The default value is ‘public’. string
gitCommitMessage Sets the commit message on the repository. The default value is ‘initial commit’ string
gitAuthorName Sets the default author name for the commit. The default value is ‘Scaffolder’ string
gitAuthorEmail Sets the default author email for the commit. string
sourcePath Path within the workspace that will be used as the repository root. If omitted, the entire workspace will be published as the repository. string
  - id: publish
    action: publish:gitea
    name: Publish to Gitea
      repoUrl: ''
      defaultBranch: 'main'
      repoVisibility: 'private'

This publishes a repository to Gitea.

Key Description Type
remoteUrl A URL to the repository with the provider string
repoContentsUrl A URL to the root of the repository string
commitHash The git commit hash of the initial commit string

GitHub Scaffolder Actions


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

This action creates a new GitHub repository and publishes the files in the workspace directory to the repository.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* The URL of the repository where the content will be published. string
description Optional description of the repository. string
homepage Optional homepage URL for the repository. string
access The access level for the repository (private/public/internal). string
defaultBranch The default branch for the repository (e.g., master or main). string
protectDefaultBranch Whether to protect the default branch. boolean
protectEnforceAdmins Whether to enforce branch protection for admins. boolean
deleteBranchOnMerge Whether to delete the branch after merging pull requests. boolean
gitCommitMessage Custom commit message for the initial commit. string
gitAuthorName Author name for the initial commit. string
gitAuthorEmail Author email for the initial commit. string
allowRebaseMerge Whether to allow rebase merging. boolean
allowSquashMerge Whether to allow squash merging. boolean
squashMergeCommitTitle Title for squash merge commits, can be either ‘PR_TITLE’ or ‘COMMIT_OR_PR_TITLE’. `‘PR_TITLE’ ‘COMMIT_OR_PR_TITLE’`
squashMergeCommitMessage Message for squash merge commits, can be ‘PR_BODY’, ‘COMMIT_MESSAGES’, or ‘BLANK’. `‘PR_BODY’ ‘COMMIT_MESSAGES’
allowMergeCommit Whether to allow regular merge commits. boolean
allowAutoMerge Whether to allow auto-merging pull requests. boolean
sourcePath Path to the source code to be pushed to the repository. string
bypassPullRequestAllowances Users, teams, or apps that can bypass pull request requirements. object
requiredApprovingReviewCount Number of required approving reviews for pull requests. number
restrictions Restrictions on which users, teams, or apps can push to the branch. object
requireCodeOwnerReviews Whether to require code owner reviews for pull requests. boolean
dismissStaleReviews Whether to dismiss stale reviews when new commits are pushed. boolean
requiredStatusCheckContexts Status checks required to pass before merging. string[]
requireBranchesToBeUpToDate Whether branches must be up to date with the base branch before merging. boolean
requiredConversationResolution Whether to require conversation resolution before merging. boolean
requireLastPushApproval Whether to require approval of the last push in a pull request. boolean
repoVisibility The visibility of the repository (private, internal, or public). `‘private’ ‘internal’
collaborators List of users or teams with specific access to the repository. Array<object>
hasProjects Whether to enable GitHub Projects for the repository. boolean
hasWiki Whether to enable GitHub Wiki for the repository. boolean
hasIssues Whether to enable GitHub Issues for the repository. boolean
token GitHub access token for authentication. string
topics List of topics to apply to the repository. string[]
repoVariables Custom variables to set for the repository. object
secrets Secret values to store in the repository. object
oidcCustomization Customization for OIDC tokens used in the repository. object
requiredCommitSigning Whether to require commit signing. boolean
customProperties Additional custom properties for repository creation. object
  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''

By default it will create a repository with a master branch. If you prefer to use main you can do the following:

  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''
      defaultBranch: main

The access input parameter adds an admin collaborator to the repository. It can be a reference to a GitHub user or a team in GitHub.

  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''
      access: AcmeInc/engineering

You can protect the default branch from being pushed to directly by using protectDefaultBranch if your repository is part of a Github Pro account.

  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''
      protectDefaultBranch: true

You can enable code owner reviews using the requireCodeOwnerReviews option:

  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''
      requireCodeOwnerReviews: true

The repoVisibility option allows the repository to be made public. By default it will be a private repository.

  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''
      repoVisibility: 'public'

To cause merges to delete the source branch, you can enable the deleteBranchOnMerge setting.

  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''
      deleteBranchOnMerge: true

If you want to disable merge commits, squash merge and rebase merge you can do that with the settings allowMergeCommit, allowSquashMerge and allowRebaseMerge. By default, these are enabled.

  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''
      allowMergeCommit: false
      allowSquashMerge: false
      allowRebaseMerge: false

By default the repository will be populated with the files contained in the workspace directory. If you need to use a subdirectory, you can use the sourcePath option.

  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''
      sourcePatch: './repoRoot'

Collaborators can be added to the repository using the collaborators option. It takes an array of username or team and access. username is the GitHub username to allow collaboration.

The access option gives the user specific type of permissions. The options are pull, push, admin, maintain or triage. these equate to:

  • pull (read)
  • push (write)
  • triage (triage)
  • admin (admin)
  • maintain (maintain - only for public repos)

The team value should be the Github team slug and should not include the org-name as a prefix.

  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''
        - user: user1
          access: admin
        - team: github-team-name
          access: pull

The topics allows adding topics to the created repository when its created.

  - action: publish:github
    id: publish-repository
    name: Publish Repository to Github
      repoUrl: ''
        - java
        - ruby
Key Description Type
remoteUrl The remote URL of the repository where the content is published. string
repoContentsUrl The URL to view the contents of the repository. string
commitHash The hash of the initial commit pushed to the repository. string


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

This action creates a pull request against a pre-existing repository using the files contained in the workspace directory.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Accepts the format ‘’ where ‘reponame’ is the repository name and ‘owner’ is an organization or username. string
branchName* The name for the branch. string
targetBranchName The target branch name of the merge request. string
title* The name for the pull request. string
description* The description of the pull request. string
draft Create a draft pull request. boolean
sourcePath Subdirectory of the working directory to copy changes from. string
targetPath Subdirectory of the repository to apply changes to. string
token The token to use for authorization to GitHub. string
reviewers The users that will be added as reviewers to the pull request. array
teamReviewers The teams that will be added as reviewers to the pull request. array
commitMessage The commit message for the pull request commit. string
update Update pull request if it already exists. boolean
forceFork Create pull request from a fork. boolean
gitAuthorName Sets the default author name for the commit. The default value is the authenticated user or ‘Scaffolder’. string
gitAuthorEmail Sets the default author email for the commit. The default value is the authenticated user or ’[email protected]‘. string
forceEmptyGitAuthor Forces the author to be empty. This is useful when using a Github App, allowing the commit to be verified on Github. boolean

The most basic example is:

  - action: publish:github:pull-request
    id: create-pull-request
    name: Create a pull request
      repoUrl: ''
      branchName: ticketNumber-123
      title: 'Make some changes to the files'
      description: 'This pull request makes changes to the files in the reponame repository in the AcmeInc organization'

If the updated code is contained in a subdirectory to the workspace directory, you can use the sourcePath to select it. If the files you want to target to update are in a subdirectory of the repository you can use the targetPath option.

  - action: publish:github:pull-request
    id: create-pull-request
    name: Create a pull request
      repoUrl: ''
      branchName: ticketNumber-123
      title: 'Make some changes to the files'
      description: 'This pull request makes changes to the files in the reponame repository in the AcmeInc organization'
      sourcePath: ./subdirectory
      targetPath: ./subdirectory

You can use the user that runs the scaffolder template to open the PR rather than opening it on behalf of the Roadie Github App by specifying the token field. The token can be injected by the RepoUrlPicker parameter as documented here

  - title: Choose a location
      - repoUrl
        title: Repository Location
        type: string
        ui:field: RepoUrlPicker
          # Here's the option you can pass to the RepoUrlPicker
            secretsKey: USER_OAUTH_TOKEN
                - workflow
  - action: publish:github:pull-request
    id: create-pull-request
    name: Create a pull request
      repoUrl: ''
      branchName: ticketNumber-123
      title: 'Make some changes to the files'
      description: 'This pull request makes changes to the files in the reponame repository in the AcmeInc organization'
      # here's where the secret can be used
      token: ${{ secrets.USER_OAUTH_TOKEN }}

NB: The branch you use for the pull request must be a new branch for the repo.


The publish:github:pull-request action produces two outputs.

Name Description
remoteUrl Url to the new pull request
pullRequestNumber Shows the number of the pull request

They can be accessed in subsequent steps as follows:

  - id: log-message
    name: Log Message
    action: debug:log
      message: 'RemoteURL: ${{ steps["create-pull-request.output.remoteUrl }}, ${{ steps["create-pull-request"].output.pullRequestNumber }}!'


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

This action allows you to trigger the execution of a GitHub action on a repository. The repoUrl option is a repo url for GitHub. The RepoUrlPicker documented above can generate this value. The workflowId can be the workflow id from the GitHub API or you can just use the filename for the workflow file itself. The branchOrTagName indicates which commit to run the workflow against.


This example will run the workflow defined in the “my-workflow-file.yaml” file on the “newreponame” repository on the “main” branch.

  - action: github:actions:dispatch
    id: trigger-build
    name: Trigger Build
      repoUrl: ''
      workflowId: 'my-workflow-file.yaml'
      branchOrTagName: 'main'

If the workflow takes additional inputs, you can pass these along with the workflowInputs option.

  - action: github:actions:dispatch
    id: trigger-build
    name: Trigger Build
      repoUrl: ''
      workflowId: 'my-workflow-file.yaml'
      branchOrTagName: 'main'
        parameter1: value1
        parameter2: value2

The github:actions:dispatch action does not have any outputs.


✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

You can configure a webhook on an existing repository in GitHub using this action. It takes repoUrl and webhookUrl. The repoUrl option needs to be in a GitHub repo format. The RepoUrlPicker documented above will generate a URL in the correct format.

  - action: github:webhook
    id: add-webhook
    name: Add Webhook
      repoUrl: ''
      webhookUrl: ''

You can configure a webhook secret using the webhookSecret option. You will likely want to provide this via an output from a previous step.

  - action: github:webhook
    id: add-webhook
    name: Add Webhook
      repoUrl: ''
      webhookUrl: ''
      webhookSecret: 'mysupersecretwebhooksecret'

You can configure the types of events that trigger the webhook. For a full list of options see here

  - action: github:webhook
    id: add-webhook
    name: Add Webhook
      repoUrl: ''
      webhookUrl: ''
        - push
        - pull_request

If you would like the webhook to receive every event, you can set the events to contain ”*“.

  - action: github:webhook
    id: add-webhook
    name: Add Webhook
      repoUrl: ''
      webhookUrl: ''
        - '*'

By default the payload of the webhook is form encoded, if you prefer json you can use contentType: json

  - action: github:webhook
    id: add-webhook
    name: Add Webhook
      repoUrl: ''
      webhookUrl: ''
      contentType: json

You can disable SSL on the webhook request using the insecureSsl option, but it is not advised.

  - action: github:webhook
    id: add-webhook
    name: Add Webhook
      repoUrl: ''
      webhookUrl: ''
      insecureSsl: true

The github:webhook action does not have any outputs.


Action to create autolink references for GitHub repositories, which automatically link certain keywords to specific URLs in issues, pull requests, or commits.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl Accepts the format ‘’ where ‘reponame’ is the new repository name and ‘owner’ is an organization or username. string
keyPrefix This prefix appended by certain characters will generate a link any time it is found in an issue, pull request, or commit. string
urlTemplate The URL must contain <num> for the reference number. <num> matches different characters depending on the value of isAlphanumeric. string
isAlphanumeric Whether this autolink reference matches alphanumeric characters. If true, the <num> parameter of the urlTemplate matches alphanumeric characters A-Z (case insensitive), 0-9, and -. If false, this autolink reference only matches numeric characters. Default: true boolean
token The token to use for authorization to GitHub. string
  - action: 'github:autolinks:create'
    name: 'Create an autolink reference'
      repoUrl: ''
      keyPrefix: 'TICKET-'
      urlTemplate: '<num>'
      isAlphanumeric: false

This performs the autolink creation action in a GitHub repository.




Action for Backstage that creates and stores GitHub Deploy Keys, including the ability to encrypt and store the associated private key as a GitHub secret.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Accepts the format ‘’ where ‘reponame’ is the new repository name and ‘owner’ is an organization or username string
publicKey* Generated from ssh-keygen. Begins with ‘ssh-rsa’, ‘ecdsa-sha2-nistp256’, ‘ecdsa-sha2-nistp384’, ‘ecdsa-sha2-nistp521’, ‘ssh-ed25519’, ’[email protected]’, or ’[email protected]‘. string
privateKey* SSH Private Key generated from ssh-keygen string
deployKeyName* Name of the Deploy Key string
privateKeySecretName Name of the GitHub Secret to store the private key related to the Deploy Key. Defaults to: ‘KEY_NAME_PRIVATE_KEY’ where ‘KEY_NAME’ is the name of the Deploy Key string
token The token to use for authorization to GitHub string

The YAML representation of the provided steps describes a process for creating and storing a GitHub Deploy Key, specifying the necessary inputs such as repository URL, public key, private key, and the deploy key name.

  - action: github:deployKey:create
    name: Create and store a Deploy Key
      publicKey: pubkey
      privateKey: privkey
      deployKeyName: Push Tags

This is for creating and storing a GitHub Deploy Key, specifying the necessary inputs such as repository URL, public key, private key, and the deploy key name.

Key Description Type
privateKeySecretName The GitHub Action Repo Secret Name for the Private Key string


Action for creating deployment environments on GitHub.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Accepts the format ‘’ where ‘reponame’ is the new repository name and ‘owner’ is an organization or username string
name* Name of the deployment environment to create string
deploymentBranchPolicy The type of deployment branch policy for this environment. To allow all branches to deploy, set to null. object
customBranchPolicyNames The name pattern that branches must match in order to deploy to the environment. array
customTagPolicyNames The name pattern that tags must match in order to deploy to the environment. array
environmentVariables Environment variables attached to the deployment environment object
secrets Secrets attached to the deployment environment object
token The token to use for authorization to GitHub string
waitTimer The time to wait before creating or updating the environment (in milliseconds) integer
preventSelfReview Whether to prevent self-review for this environment boolean
reviewers Reviewers for this environment array



✅️ Ready to use in Roadie

Action to add labels to pull requests or issues on GitHub.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Accepts the format '' where ‘reponame’ is the repository name and ‘owner’ is an organization or username string
number* The pull request or issue number to add labels to number
labels* The labels to add to the pull request or issue string[]
token The GitHub token to use for authorization string
  - action: 'github:issues:label'
    name: 'Add labels to pull request or issue with token'
      repoUrl: ''
      number: '1'
        - 'bug'
        - 'documentation'
      token: 'gph_YourGitHubToken'

This action adds the labels “bug” and “documentation” to issue or pull request #1 in a GitHub repository, using a provided GitHub token for authentication.




Action for enabling GitHub Pages for a specified repository, with various customization options such as the build type, source branch, and source path.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Accepts the format ‘’ where ‘reponame’ is the repository name and ‘owner’ is an organization or username string
buildType The GitHub Pages build type - “legacy” or “workflow”. Default is “workflow” string
sourceBranch The GitHub Pages source branch. Default is “main” string
sourcePath The GitHub Pages source path - ”/” or “/docs”. Default is ”/” string
token The token to use for authorization to GitHub string
  - action: 'github:pages:enable'
    id: 'github-pages-custom-path'
    name: 'Enable GitHub Pages with Custom Source Path'
      repoUrl: ''
      sourcePath: '/docs'
      token: 'gph_YourGitHubToken'

This YAML specifies a step that enables GitHub Pages for the repository customPathRepo owned by customOwner, using the source path /docs and an authorization token.




The code defines a Backstage action for creating GitHub repositories programmatically, allowing customization of repository settings, collaborators, and configurations.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* The URL of the repository string
description Description of the repository string
homepage The homepage URL for the repository string
access Access level for the repository string
deleteBranchOnMerge Whether to delete branch after merging boolean
gitAuthorName Name of the git author string
gitAuthorEmail Email of the git author string
allowRebaseMerge Allow rebase merging boolean
allowSquashMerge Allow squash merging boolean
squashMergeCommitTitle Title for squash merge commits 'PR_TITLE' | 'COMMIT_OR_PR_TITLE'
squashMergeCommitMessage Message for squash merge commits 'PR_BODY' | 'COMMIT_MESSAGES' | 'BLANK'
allowMergeCommit Allow merge commits boolean
allowAutoMerge Enable automatic merging boolean
requireCodeOwnerReviews Require code owner reviews boolean
bypassPullRequestAllowances Bypass pull request restrictions object
requiredApprovingReviewCount Number of required reviews for approval number
restrictions Restrictions on who can push to branches object
requiredStatusCheckContexts Required status checks before merging string[]
requireBranchesToBeUpToDate Require branches to be up to date boolean
requiredConversationResolution Require conversations to be resolved before merging boolean
repoVisibility Visibility of the repository 'private' | 'internal' | 'public'
collaborators List of collaborators for the repository Array<object>
hasProjects Whether the repository has GitHub Projects enabled boolean
hasWiki Whether the repository has a Wiki boolean
hasIssues Whether the repository has Issues enabled boolean
token Access token for GitHub authentication string
topics List of topics for the repository string[]
repoVariables Repository-level environment variables object
secrets Secrets to store in the repository object
oidcCustomization OIDC customization settings object
requireCommitSigning Require commit signing boolean
customProperties Custom properties for the repository object
  - action: 'github:repo:create'
    name: 'Create a new GitHub repository with a description'
      repoUrl: ''
      description: 'My new repository'

Creates a new GitHub repository with a specified URL and description.

Key Description Type
remoteUrl The remote URL of the newly created GitHub repository string
repoContentsUrl URL to the repository contents string


Action that initializes a git repository in a workspace and pushes it to GitHub, with options to configure branch protection, commit rules, and other repository settings.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl8 Repository URL (GitHub repository in the format: owner/repo) string
requireCodeOwnerReviews Whether to require code owner reviews for pull requests boolean
dismissStaleReviews Whether to dismiss stale reviews when new commits are pushed boolean
requiredStatusCheckContexts The list of status checks that must pass before a merge string[]
bypassPullRequestAllowances Allows bypassing pull request requirements for specified users, teams, or apps object
requiredApprovingReviewCount The number of approving reviews required for pull requests number
restrictions Restricts who can push to the protected branch (users, teams, and apps) object
requireBranchesToBeUpToDate Whether branches need to be up to date before merging boolean
requiredConversationResolution Whether to require conversation resolution before merging boolean
requireLastPushApproval Whether the last push must be approved before merging boolean
defaultBranch The default branch name for the repository string
protectDefaultBranch Whether to protect the default branch from being force-pushed boolean
protectEnforceAdmins Whether to enforce protections for admin users boolean
gitCommitMessage The commit message for the initial commit string
gitAuthorName The name of the author for the git commit string
gitAuthorEmail The email of the author for the git commit string
sourcePath The path to the content to push to the repository string
token The token for GitHub authentication (if not provided via integration) string
requiredCommitSigning Whether commit signing is required boolean
  - action: github:repo:push
    name: Create test repo with testuser as owner.

This create a test repository with a specified owner.

Key Description Type
remoteUrl The clone URL of the repository string
repoContentsUrl URL to the repository contents (e.g., on the default branch) string
commitHash The hash of the commit made string


Action that parses repository URLs and extracts relevant metadata based on a specified schema.

Key Description Type Example
reposUrls An array of repository URLs to parse array

Parse Repo Url like “host?owner=any&organization=any&workspace=any&project=any”

  - action: parse:repo-url:plus
    id: parse-repos-url
    name: Parse Repos URLs
        - host?owner=any&organization=any&workspace=any&project=any
Key Description Type
results An array of objects containing parsed repo specifications array
results.repo The name of the repository string The host of the repository string
results.owner The owner of the repository string
results.organization The organization associated with the repository string
results.workspace The workspace associated with the repository string
results.project The project associated with the repository string

Gitlab Scaffolder Actions


Initializes a git repository of the content in the workspace, and publishes it to GitLab. See input options in the application

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Accepts the format '' where ‘project_name’ is the repository name and ‘group_name’ is a group or username string
repoVisibility Sets the visibility of the repository. The default value is 'private'. (deprecated, use settings.visibility instead) string
defaultBranch Sets the default branch on the repository. The default value is 'master'. string
gitCommitMessage Sets the commit message on the repository. The default value is 'initial commit'. string
gitAuthorName Sets the default author name for the commit. The default value is 'Scaffolder'. string
gitAuthorEmail Sets the default author email for the commit. string
sourcePath Path within the workspace that will be used as the repository root. If omitted, the entire workspace will be published. string
token The token to use for authorization to GitLab. string
setUserAsOwner Set the token user as owner of the newly created repository. boolean
topics Topic labels to apply on the repository. (deprecated, use settings.topics instead) array<string>
settings.path Repository name for new project. Generated based on name if not provided (generated as lowercase with dashes). string
settings.auto_devops_enabled Enable Auto DevOps for this project. boolean
settings.ci_config_path Custom CI config path for this project. string
settings.description Short project description. string
settings.merge_method Merge Methods (merge, rebase_merge, ff). string
settings.squash_option Set squash option for the project (never, always, default_on, default_off). string
settings.topics Topic labels to apply on the repository. array<string>
settings.visibility The visibility of the project. Can be private, internal, or public. The default value is private. string Branch name. string
branches.protect Will mark branch as protected. The default value is 'false'. boolean
branches.create If branch does not exist, it will be created from the provided ref. The default value is 'false'. boolean
branches.ref Branch reference to create branch from. The default value is 'master'. string
projectVariables.key The key of a variable; must have no more than 255 characters; only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _ are allowed. string
projectVariables.value The value of a variable. string
projectVariables.description The description of the variable. The default value is null. string
projectVariables.variable_type The type of a variable. The default value is 'env_var'. string
projectVariables.protected Whether the variable is protected. The default value is 'false'. boolean
projectVariables.raw Whether the variable is in raw format. The default value is 'false'. boolean
projectVariables.environment_scope The environment scope of the variable. The default value is ' * '. string
    - id: publish
      name: Publish
      action: publish:gitlab
        description: This is ${{ }}
        repoUrl: ${{ parameters.repoUrl }}?owner=${{ steps.createGitlabGroup.output.groupId }}
        sourcePath: pimcore
        defaultBranch: main
Key Description Type
remoteUrl A URL to the repository with the provider. string
repoContentsUrl A URL to the root of the repository. string
projectId The ID of the project. string
commitHash The git commit hash of the initial commit. string


Action for creating a GitLab merge request.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* Repository Location in the format '' string
projectid Project ID/Name(slug) of the GitLab project (deprecated) string
title The name for the merge request string
description The description of the merge request string
branchName* Source branch name of the merge request string
targetBranchName Target branch name of the merge request string
sourcePath Subdirectory of the working directory to copy changes from string
targetPath Subdirectory of the repository to apply changes to string
token Authentication token for authorization to GitLab string
commitAction Action for the git commit: create, update, delete, or auto (automatic commit action based on file existence) string
removeSourceBranch Option to delete the source branch after the merge request is merged (default: false) boolean
assignee User to whom the merge request will be assigned string
  - id: createMergeRequest
    action: publish:gitlab:merge-request
    name: Create a Merge Request
      title: Create my new MR
      description: This MR is really good
      sourcePath: ./path/to/my/changes
      branchName: new-mr
      assignee: my-assignee
Key Description Type
targetBranchName Target branch name of the merge request string
projectid GitLab Project ID/Name(slug) string
projectPath GitLab Project path string
mergeRequestUrl URL link to the merge request in GitLab string


Action that automates the process of pushing commits to a GitLab repository.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl* The GitLab repository location in the format ''. string
branchName* The name of the branch where the commit will be applied. string
commitMessage* The message to use for the commit. string
sourcePath Subdirectory of the working directory to copy changes from. string
targetPath Subdirectory of the repository to apply changes to. string
token The authentication token used for GitLab authorization. string
commitAction The action to use for the commit (create, update, or delete). Defaults to create. string (enum)
  - id: pushChanges
    action: gitlab:repo:push
    name: Push changes to gitlab repository
      commitMessage: Initial Commit
      branchName: feature-branch
      commitAction: update

This YAML defines a step that updates a specific branch in a GitLab repository with an initial commit using the gitlab:repo:push action.

Key Description Type
projectid The GitLab project ID or name (slug). string
projectPath The GitLab project path. string
commitHash The commit hash of the latest commit. string


For ensuring that a GitLab group or sub-groups exist, creating them if they do not.

Key Description Type Example
host The GitLab host URL string
repoUrl The repository URL to use string
token The token to authenticate with GitLab string
path A path of group names that are ensured to exist string[] (array of strings)
    - id: createGitlabGroup
      name: Ensure Gitlab group exists
      action: gitlab:group:ensureExists
        repoUrl: ${{ parameters.repoUrl }}
          - path
          - to
          - group
Key Description Type
groupId The id of the innermost sub-group number?


Action to create GitLab issues, including the input validation using Zod, GitLab API calls, and error handling.

Key Description Type Example
projectId Project ID number
title Title of the issue string
assignees IDs of the users to assign the issue to array<number>
confidential Issue confidentiality boolean
description Issue description (max 1,048,576 characters) string
createdAt Creation date/time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ string
dueDate Due date/time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ string
discussionToResolve ID of a discussion to resolve (with merge request option) string
epicId ID of the linked Epic number
labels Labels to apply string
issueType Type of the issue (based on IssueType enum) nativeEnum<IssueType>
mergeRequestToResolveDiscussionsOf IID of a merge request to resolve all issues number
milestoneId Global ID of a milestone to assign the issue number
weight The issue weight number
    - id: gitlabIssue
      name: Issues
      action: gitlab:issues:create
        repoUrl: ${{ parameters.repoUrl }}
        token: ${{ secrets.USER_OAUTH_TOKEN }}
        projectId: 1111111
        title: Test Issue
          - 2222222
        description: This is the description of the issue
        confidential: true
        createdAt: 2022-09-27 18:00:00.000
        dueDate: 2024-09-28 12:00:00.000
        epicId: 3333333
        labels: phase1:label1,phase2:label2
Key Description Type
issueUrl URL of the created issue string
issueId ID of the created issue number
issueIid IID of the created issue number


This uses schemas to validate the input and output data using zod and interacts with GitLab’s API to edit issue properties such as labels, assignees, and other metadata.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl The URL of the GitLab repository. string
projectId The global ID or URL-encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user. number
issueIid The internal ID of a project’s issue. number
addLabels Comma-separated label names to add to an issue. If a label does not already exist, this creates a new project label and assigns it to the issue. string (optional)
assignees IDs of the users to assign the issue to. array<number> (optional)
confidential Updates an issue to be confidential. boolean (optional)
description The description of an issue. Limited to 1,048,576 characters. string (optional)
discussionLocked Flag indicating if the issue’s discussion is locked. Only project members can add or edit comments when locked. boolean (optional)
dueDate The due date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. string (optional)
epicId ID of the epic to add the issue to. Valid values are greater than or equal to 0. number (optional)
issueType Updates the type of issue (e.g., issue, incident, test_case, or task). enum (optional)
labels Comma-separated label names for an issue. Set to an empty string to unassign all labels. string (optional)
milestoneId The global ID of a milestone to assign the issue to. Set to 0 or provide an empty value to unassign a milestone. number (optional)
removeLabels Comma-separated label names to remove from an issue. string (optional)
stateEvent The state event of an issue (e.g., close, reopen). enum (optional)
title The title of an issue. string (optional)
updatedAt When the issue was updated. Date-time string, ISO 8601 formatted (e.g., YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). string (optional)
weight The issue weight. Valid values are from 0 to 10. number (optional)
token The token used for GitLab API authentication. string
  - id: gitlabIssue
    name: EditIssues
    action: gitlab:issue:edit
      # commonGitlabConfigExample
      projectId: 12
      title: Test Issue
        - 18
      description: This is the edited description of the issue
      updatedAt: '2024-05-10T18:00:00.000Z'
      dueDate: '2024-09-28'
Key Description Type
issueUrl The web URL of the issue. string
projectId The project ID the issue belongs to. number
issueId The unique ID of the issue. number
issueIid The internal ID of a project’s issue. number
state The state event of the issue (e.g., open, closed). string
title The title of the issue. string
updatedAt The last updated time of the issue (ISO 8601 format). string


This automates the creation and triggering of a GitLab pipeline using specific input parameters and outputs the result.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl Repository URL containing the project string
projectId Project Id number
tokenDescription Pipeline token description string
token Token used for authenticating with GitLab API string
branch Project branch on which the pipeline is triggered string
variables A record of key-value pairs containing the pipeline variables (optional) record<string, string>
  - id: 'triggerPipeline'
    name: 'Trigger Project Pipeline'
    action: 'gitlab:pipeline:trigger'
      projectId: 12
      tokenDescription: 'This is the text that will appear in the pipeline token'
      token: 'glpt-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
      branch: 'main'
        var_one: 'one'
        var_two: 'two'
      # Include commonGitlabConfigExample if needed
      # Add any other common properties here
Key Description Type
pipelineUrl Pipeline URL string


Action that creates a project access token in GitLab.

Key Description Type Example
projectId Project ID/Name(slug) of the GitLab Project number or string
token The token to use for authorization to GitLab string
name Name of Access Key string
repoUrl URL to GitLab instance string
accessLevel Access Level of the Token, 10 (Guest), 20 (Reporter), 30 (Developer), 40 (Maintainer), and 50 (Owner) number
scopes Scopes for a project access token string[]
expiresAt Expiration date of the access token in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD). If Empty, it will set to the maximum of 365 days. string
    - id: gitlab-access-token
      name: Gitlab Project Access Token
      action: gitlab:projectAccessToken:create
        repoUrl: ${{ parameters.repoUrl }}
        projectId: "${{ steps['publish-manifest'].output.projectId }}"
        name: ${{ }}-access-token
        accessLevel: 40
        scopes: ['read_repository', 'write_repository']
Key Description Type
access_token Access Token string


Action for creating project variables in GitLab.

Key Description Type Example
repoUrl The URL of the GitLab repository string
projectId Project ID `number string`
key The key of a variable; must have no more than 255 characters; only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _ are allowed string
value The value of a variable string
variableType Variable Type (env_var or file) string
variableProtected Whether the variable is protected boolean
masked Whether the variable is masked boolean
raw Whether the variable is expandable boolean
environmentScope The environment_scope of the variable string
token The token for authentication string
    - id: gitlab-project-variable
      name: Gitlab Project Variable
      action: gitlab:projectVariable:create
        repoUrl: ${{ parameters.repoUrl }}
        projectId: "${{ steps['publish'].output.projectId }}"
        key: 'VARIABLE_NAME'
        value: "${{ steps['gitlab-access-token'].output.access_token }}"
        variableType: 'env_var'
        masked: true
        variableProtected: false
        raw: false
        environmentScope: '*'



Action that creates a GitLab project deploy token.

Key Description Type Example
projectId Project ID number or string
name Deploy Token Name string
username Deploy Token Username string (optional)
scopes Scopes array of string (optional)
    - id: gitlab-deploy-token
      name: Create Deploy Token
      action: gitlab:projectDeployToken:create
        repoUrl: ${{ parameters.repoUrl }}
        projectId: "${{ steps['publish'].output.projectId }}"
        name: ${{ }}-secret
        username: ${{ }}-secret
        scopes: ['read_registry']
Key Description Type
deploy_token Deploy Token string
user User string

Humanitec Scaffolder Actions


Action for creating applications in Humanitec, using a YAML setup file to define application properties.

Key Description Type Example
appId* The unique identifier for the application string
setupFile The path to the YAML file containing app setup information string


Microsoft Teams Scaffolder Actions


Action that sends messages to a Microsoft Teams channel using a specified webhook URL.

Key Description Type Example
message The message to send via webhook string
webhookUrl The Microsoft Teams webhook URL to send the request to. The URL must either be specified here or in the Backstage config string
    - id: send-ms-teams-message
      name: Send message
      action: ms-teams:sendMessage
        message: "Hello, world!"
        webhookUrl: "" # optional if the URL is supplied in the app-config.yaml


Pagerduty Scaffolder Actions


Action that allows users to create a PagerDuty service.

Key Description Type Example
name* Name of the service string
description* Description of the service string
escalationPolicyId* Escalation policy ID for the service string
alertGrouping Alert grouping parameters (optional) string
Key Description Type
serviceUrl PagerDuty Service URL string
serviceId PagerDuty Service ID string
integrationKey Backstage Integration Key string

Quay Scaffolder Actions


Action for creating a repository in

Parameter Name Type Required Description Example
name string Yes Quay repository name foo
visibility string Yes Visibility setting for the created repository, either public or private public
description string Yes Description for the created repository This if foo repository
token string Yes Authentication token, see docs UW1dLVdCTj8uZWNuIW97K1k0XiBkSmppVU9MYzFT
baseUrl string No Base url of a quay instance, defaults to
namespace string No Namespace to create repository in, defaults to the namespace the token belongs to bar
repoKind string No Created repository kind, either image or application, if empty defaults to image image
action: quay:create-repository
id: create-quay-repo
name: Create quay repo
  token: UW1dLVdCTj8uZWNuIW97K1k0XiBkSmppVU9MYzFT
  name: foo
  visibility: public
  description: This is a foo repository
  namespace: bar
  repoKind: image
Name Type Description
repositoryUrl string Quay repository URL created by this action

Sonarqube Scaffolder Actions


Action for creating a project in SonarQube via the Backstage Scaffolder plugin.

Key Description Type Example
baseUrl* SonarQube server base URL. Example: "" string
name* Name of the project to be created in SonarQube. Example: "My Project" string
key* Key of the project to identify the project in SonarQube. Example: "my-project" string
branch Name of the main branch of the project. If not provided, the default main branch will be used string
visibility Whether the project should be visible to everyone or specific groups. Values: "public", "private" string
token SonarQube authentication token. Use instead of username and password string
username SonarQube username. Required if no token is provided string
password SonarQube password. Required if no token is provided string
    - id: create-sonar-project
      name: Create SonarQube project
      action: sonarqube:create-project
        baseUrl: ${{ parameters.baseUrl }}
        token: ${{ parameters.authParams.token }}
        username: ${{ parameters.authParams.username }}
        password: ${{ parameters.authParams.password }}
        name: ${{ }}
        key: ${{ parameters.key }}
        branch: ${{ parameters.branch }}
        visibility: ${{ parameters.visibility }}
Key Description Type
projectUrl SonarQube project URL created by this action string

ServiceNow Scaffolder Actions


Action for Backstage’s Scaffolder, allowing users to insert a record into a specified ServiceNow.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
tableName string Yes Name of the table in which to save the record
requestBody Record<PropertyKey, unknown> No Field name and the associated value for each parameter to define in the specified record
sysparmDisplayValue enum("true", "false", "all") No Return field display values (true), actual values (false), or both (all) (default: false)
sysparmExcludeReferenceLink boolean No True to exclude Table API links for reference fields (default: false)
sysparmFields string[] No An array of fields to return in the response
sysparmInputDisplayValue boolean No Set field values using their display value (true) or actual value (false) (default: false)
sysparmSuppressAutoSysField boolean No True to suppress auto generation of system fields (default: false)
sysparmView string No Render the response according to the specified UI view (overridden by sysparm_fields)
Name Type Description
result Record<PropertyKey, unknown> The response body of the request


Action for deleting a record from a ServiceNow table.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
tableName string Yes Name of the table in which to delete the record
sysId string Yes Unique identifier of the record to delete
sysparmQueryNoDomain boolean No True to access data across domains if authorized (default: false)



Action handler that modifies a record in a ServiceNow table.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
tableName string Yes Name of the table in which to modify the record
sysId string Yes Unique identifier of the record to modify
requestBody Record<PropertyKey, unknown> No Field name and the associated value for each parameter to define in the specified record
sysparmDisplayValue enum("true", "false", "all") No Return field display values (true), actual values (false), or both (all) (default: false)
sysparmExcludeReferenceLink boolean No True to exclude Table API links for reference fields (default: false)
sysparmFields string[] No An array of fields to return in the response
sysparmInputDisplayValue boolean No Set field values using their display value (true) or actual value (false) (default: false)
sysparmSuppressAutoSysField boolean No True to suppress auto generation of system fields (default: false)
sysparmView string No Render the response according to the specified UI view (overridden by sysparm_fields)
sysparmQueryNoDomain boolean No True to access data across domains if authorized (default: false)
Name Type Description
result Record<PropertyKey, unknown> The response body of the request


Action handler that retrieves a record in a ServiceNow table.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
tableName string Yes Name of the table from which to retrieve the record
sysId string Yes Unique identifier of the record to retrieve
sysparmDisplayValue enum("true", "false", "all") No Return field display values (true), actual values (false), or both (all) (default: false)
sysparmExcludeReferenceLink boolean No True to exclude Table API links for reference fields (default: false)
sysparmFields string[] No An array of fields to return in the response
sysparmView string No Render the response according to the specified UI view (overridden by sysparm_fields)
sysparmQueryNoDomain boolean No True to access data across domains if authorized (default: false)
Name Type Description
result Record<PropertyKey, unknown> The response body of the request


Action handler that retrieves records in a ServiceNow table.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
tableName string Yes Name of the table from which to retrieve the records
sysparmQuery string No An encoded query string used to filter the results
sysparmDisplayValue enum("true", "false", "all") No Return field display values (true), actual values (false), or both (all) (default: false)
sysparmExcludeReferenceLink boolean No True to exclude Table API links for reference fields (default: false)
sysparmSuppressPaginationHeader boolean No True to suppress pagination header (default: false)
sysparmFields string[] No An array of fields to return in the response
sysparmLimit int No The maximum number of results returned per page (default: 10,000)
sysparmView string No Render the response according to the specified UI view (overridden by sysparm_fields)
sysparmQueryCategory string No Name of the query category (read replica category) to use for queries
sysparmQueryNoDomain boolean No True to access data across domains if authorized (default: false)
sysparmNoCount boolean No Do not execute a select count(*) on table (default: false)
Name Type Description
result Record<PropertyKey, unknown> The response body of the request


Action handler that updates a record in a ServiceNow table.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
tableName string Yes Name of the table in which to update the record
sysId string Yes Unique identifier of the record to update
requestBody Record<PropertyKey, unknown> No Field name and the associated value for each parameter to define in the specified record
sysparmDisplayValue enum("true", "false", "all") No Return field display values (true), actual values (false), or both (all) (default: false)
sysparmExcludeReferenceLink boolean No True to exclude Table API links for reference fields (default: false)
sysparmFields string[] No An array of fields to return in the response
sysparmInputDisplayValue boolean No Set field values using their display value (true) or actual value (false) (default: false)
sysparmSuppressAutoSysField boolean No True to suppress auto generation of system fields (default: false)
sysparmView string No Render the response according to the specified UI view (overridden by sysparm_fields)
sysparmQueryNoDomain boolean No True to access data across domains if authorized (default: false)
Name Type Description
result Record<PropertyKey, unknown> The response body of the request

Slack Scaffolder Actions


Action for sending Slack messages to a specific conversation using the Slack API.

Key Description Type Example
message* The message to send via webhook. string
conversationId The ID of the conversation to send the message to. If both conversation ID and name are specified, the ID will be used. string
conversationName The name of the conversation to send the message to. Used only if the conversation ID is not specified. string
token The token to authenticate with the Slack API. This can be specified in the app config or the input. string
  - id: send-slack-message
    name: Send slack message via Slack API
    action: slack:sendMessage:conversation
      message: "Hello, world!"
      conversationId: "abc123" # optional if the conversationId is supplied in the app-config.yaml, or the conversationName is supplied at all
      conversationName: "general" # optional if the conversationName is supplied in the app-config.yaml, or the conversationId is supplied at all
Key Description Type
conversationIdToUse The ID of the conversation that the message is being sent to. string
result The result object containing the response from Slack’s postMessage API. ChatPostMessageResponse


Action that sends a message to Slack via a webhook URL.

Key Description Type Example
message* The message to send via the webhook string
webhookUrl The webhook URL to send the request to. Can be passed as input or from the config. string
    # this step is an example of using the webhook action
    - id: send-slack-message
      name: Send slack message via Slack webhook
      action: slack:sendMessage:webhook
        message: "Hello, world!"
        webhookUrl: "" # optional if the URL is supplied in the app-config.yaml


Sentry Scaffolder Actions


Action to create a new project in Sentry.

Key Description Type Example
organizationSlug* The slug of the organization the team belongs to string
teamSlug* The slug of the team to create a new project for string
name* The name for the new project string
slug Optional slug for the new project. If not provided, a slug is generated from the name string
authToken Authenticate via bearer auth token. Requires scope: project:write string
  - id: create-sentry-project
    action: sentry:project:create
    name: Create a Sentry project with provided project slug.
      organizationSlug: my-org
      teamSlug: team-a
      name: Scaffolded project A
      slug: scaff-proj-a
      authToken: a14711beb516e1e910d2ede554dc1bf725654ef3c75e5a9106de9aec13d5df96

This YAML configuration outlines a step for creating a Sentry project.

Key Description Type
id The ID of the created project in Sentry string
result The result object returned from Sentry object

Torque Scaffolder Actions


Action for managing applications in Torque.

Key Description Type Example
serviceName* The name of the service that will be created in Torque string
assetRepo* The asset repo that will be connected to Torque string
blueprintRepo* The blueprints repo that will be connected to Torque string
namespace* The namespace of the environment runner string
blueprintName* The name of a blueprint that will be a source for sandbox environment string
serviceAccount A service account to be used for connecting to the execution host string
repoType The type of repository (e.g., GitHub or Bitbucket) string
  - name: Deploy with Torque
    id: torque-app-id
    action: torque:create-app
      serviceName: ${{ parameters.componentName }} # The name of service that will be created in Torque. 
      # Will be used as space, assets repo, blueprint repo and grain names
      assetRepo: ${{ steps.publish.output.remoteUrl }} # The asset repo that will be connected to Torque
      blueprintRepo: ${{ steps.publish.output.remoteUrl }} # The blueprints repo that will be connected to Torque
      serviceAccount: 'default' # A k8s service account to assign to agent
      namespace: default # A k8s namespace to assign to agent
      blueprintName: ${{ parameters.componentName }} # The name of a blueprint you that will be a source for sandbox environment
Key Description Type
success Indicates whether the operation was successful boolean
error Contains error details if the operation failed `string
environmentId The ID of the created sandbox environment string
spaceName The name of the created space string

Webex Scaffolder Actions


Action that sends messages to Webex Incoming Webhooks.

Key Description Type Example
format The message content format enum (‘text’, ‘markdown’)
message* The message to send via webhook(s) string
webhooks* The Webex Incoming Webhooks to send a message to string[] (non-empty array)

Once the action is registered, you can use it in your scaffolder templates to send messages via Webex Incoming Webhooks.

Here’s an example template:

    - id: send-webex-message
      name: Send Webex Message
      action: webex:webhooks:sendMessage
        format: "markdown"
        message: "# This Could Be Us"
          - "<SPACE_ID>"
          - "<SPACE_ID>" # optional ability to message multiple spaces
Key Description Type
failedMessages List of messages that failed to send string[]

Yeoman Scaffolder Actions


Action that runs a Yeoman generator.

Key Description Type Example
namespace* Yeoman generator namespace, e.g: node:app string
args Arguments to pass on to Yeoman for templating array
options Options to pass on to Yeoman for templating object
  - id: 'run:yeoman'
    action: 'run:yeoman'
    name: 'Running a yeoman generator'
      namespace: 'node:app'
        option1: 'value1'
        option2: 'value2'

This example defines a step in a process that involves running a Yeoman generator. The input to this action includes the namespace set to 'node:app', indicating which Yeoman generator to use.

