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Backstage Harness Next CI/CD Plugin

The Harness NextGen CI/CD plugin allows you to see build information inside Backstage

Created by Harness

Available on Roadie

Set up Backstage in minutes with Roadie

Installation steps

Install the plugin into your Backstage instance.

yarn --cwd packages/app add @harnessio/backstage-plugin-ci-cd

Generate a Harness API key. Make sure the user creating this API token has necessary permissions, which include project view permission along with pipeline view and execute permissions and same applies for service accounts as well it must have a role assigned that has the roles with adequate permissions as described bef

Add the plugin to the proxy in your app config.

// app-config.yaml
  # ... existing proxy settings
    target: 'https://app.harness.io/'
      'x-api-key': '<YOUR PAT/SAT>'

Add the EntityHarnessCiCdContent to your EntityPage component.

// In packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx

import {
} from '@harnessio/backstage-plugin-ci-cd';

const cicdContent = (
  // ...
  <EntitySwitch.Case if={isHarnessCiCdAvailable}>
    <EntityHarnessCiCdContent />
  // ...

Update relevant catalog-info.yaml files with Harness annotations. For example add pipelines and services.

apiVersion: backstage.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
  # ...
    # optional annotation
    harness.io/pipelines: |
      labelA: <harness_pipeline_url>
      labelB: <harness_pipeline_url>
    # here labelA / labelB denotes the value you will see in dropdown in execution list. Refer screentshot 1
    # optional annotation
    harness.io/services: |
      labelA: <harness_service_url>
      labelB: <harness_service_url>

Found a mistake? Update these instructions.

Things to know

Useful Info

The Next CI/CD plugin is designed to:

  • Connect a Backstage service with a Harness project and view top 50 executions from the pipelines in the project.
  • See details about executions - status, execution timestamp and time taken, associated triggers for CI pipelines, services deployed for CD pipelines.
  • Specify pipeline IDs (CI) or service IDs (CD) to narrow down on pipeline executions to show in the Backstage service view.
  • Retry pipeline executions from the plugin

Set up Backstage in minutes with Roadie